iMan/iLancet说: “副词不能修饰副词”。 实际上,副词修饰副词是 基本语法规则 。 英文:He did it very well. Very 副词修饰副词 well。 然后,你可以叠加,He did it very very well。 中文也是一样的。 例句:他可能连副词是什么都完全没有搞清楚。 上面“都”,“完全”,“没有”就是三个副词。 语言中副词修饰副词比比皆是,iMan应该完全没有搞清楚什么是副词才会出现“副词不能修饰副词”的误解。 教育程度低下所致。 b834b06.mp4
You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows. This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too. (普通版): 你说你爱雨, 但当细雨飘洒时你却撑开了伞; 你说你爱太阳, 但当它当空时你却看见了阳光下的暗影; 你说你爱风, 但当它轻拂时你却紧紧地关上了自己的窗子; 你说你也爱我, 而我却为此烦忧。 (文艺版): 你说烟雨微芒, 兰亭远望; 后来轻揽婆娑, 深遮霓裳。 你说春光烂漫, 绿袖红香; 后来内掩西楼, 静立卿旁。 你说软风轻拂, 醉卧思量; 后来紧掩门窗, 漫帐成殇。 你说情丝柔肠, 如何相忘; 我却眼波微转, 兀自成霜。 (诗经版): 子言慕雨, 启伞避之。 子言好阳, 寻荫拒之。 子言喜风, 阖户离之。 子言偕老, 吾所畏之。 (离骚版): 君乐雨兮启伞枝, 君乐昼兮林蔽日, 君乐风兮栏帐起, 君乐吾兮吾心噬。 (七言绝句版): 恋雨却怕绣衣湿, 喜日偏向树下倚。 欲风总把绮窗关, 叫奴如何心付伊。 (吴语版): 侬刚欢喜落雨, 落雨了么搞布洋塞; 欢喜塔漾么又谱捏色; 欢喜西剥风么又要丫起来; 弄刚欢喜唔么, 搓色唔霉头。 (女汉子版): 你有本事爱雨天, 你有本事别打伞啊! 你有本事爱阳光, 你有本事别乘凉啊!! 你有本事爱吹风, 你有本事别关窗啊!!! 你有本事说爱我,你有本事捡肥皂啊!!!! (七律压轴版):(绝对惊艳!) 江南三月雨微茫, 羅傘疊煙濕幽香。 夏日微醺正可人, 卻傍佳木趁蔭涼。 霜風清和更初霽, 輕蹙蛾眉鎖朱窗。 憐卿一片相思意, 猶恐流年拆鴛鴦。
昨天意外地收到这样一封电邮,寄信人是女儿母校的两个学妹(分别就读小学部和初中部)的母亲。她的两个女儿曾在暑假开始时参加过我家底蕴作为助教的中文夏令营。这位妈妈希望我女儿大学开学前能抽空辅导她的两个正在该校学习中文的女儿: Hi,宜修! My daughters met 底蕴 at XXX interschool language camp. They both take Chinese at XXX School with 底蕴 and were wondering if 底蕴 had any time to work on some Chinese before school starts. They really enjoyed meeting her. They are Kate and Catelin XXXXX, rising 8th and 5th graders. Let me know if 底蕴 is interested in helping this week or one of the following for a couple of hours. Both of my daughters have Chinese packets for the summer that they need to review, and feel like talking with 底蕴 would help them get ready for the school year. I am happy to work out something to cover her time as well of course. Thanks for talking with 底蕴 about this. She did a great job with the kids at camp. My girls have really nice things to say about her. All the best, Katie 非常感谢两个低年级学妹和她们的母亲对底蕴的信任,却遗憾时间上已经来不及了。我给这位两个女儿分别为底蕴母校小学部和初中部学生的家长回了这样一封电邮,看她们是否愿意考虑其他人选: Hi, Katie! How delighted it is to get amessage of such kind on a rainy and gloomy day! Ibet it'll also brighten 底蕴's day during which she is busy with her college packing, upon receipt of the message. 底蕴 also had a great time assisting the Chinese teacher at XXX inter-school language camp early this summer, needless to say, through her interaction with children like your daughters. How wonderful it is that they have established such great relationship, especially as alumni of XXX School! While being thankful for your and your family's trust on 底蕴, I wish we had learned this message earlier, as 底蕴 is right about to depart for pre-orientation camp for incoming freshmen. For your information, I have sources of other Mandarin-speaking youngsters who would also be qualified to tutor Chinese mandarin. Yet,given the trust of your girls' on 底蕴, I would leave opportunity of recommendation to her first. Please let me know if an alternate tutor would be an option to you, at all. Again, thanks for your kind thoughts in considering 底蕴 as the Chinese tutor for your daughters! 宜修
最新科技:造处(1)--引子 编者按:下列几句话,英文是法庭记录,译成中文却有好几种译法(2,4,6,8句)。 权威何在?也许在于畅所欲言吧。 ...... 0......(还有什么财产要隐藏么)? 1.THE WITNESS: No, your Honor 2. THE COURT: All right. Anything further, Mr. Southard? 3。 SOUTHARD: No, your Honor. I'd ask that the Court unwind the property, unwind the marriage, in a sense put each spouse in the possession they would have been at had there been no marriage. ....And based on those reasons, your, Honor, I'd ask that each party be put back into the position they would have been had there been no marriage. 4. THE COURT: Mr. Southard, is your position that there's any marital property at all? 5. MR. SOUTHARD: That's correct, your Honor. I would say that there is no marital property to distribute. 6. THE COURT : It is now -- do you have any other witnesses or any other documents to put into evidence? 7. MR. SOUTHARD: No, your Honor. 8. THE COURT: All right. You're resting, is that correct? 9. MR. SOUTHARD: That's correct, your Honor. 10. THE COURT: It is now 3:15. The defendant has failed to appear on this continued matrimonial trial, so the testimony is closed. The defendant has not testified, has not placed any documents into evidence. The Court notes thatpreviously the Court precluded the defendant from offering any financial information based upon his failure to comply with the Court's orders with respect to discovery. And even if the defendant had appeared today in court, he would be precluded from offering any financial information. I'm going to take a very brief recess and the Court will make it's ruling on the record 1. 证人(原告) : 没有(需要隐藏的)了,大人。 2.1 法院 : 好的。你,还有任何进一步的想法么 ,Southard 先生 ( 律师 ) ? 2.2 法院 : 好的,你,还想进一步地(隐藏)任何(财产)么 ,Southard 先生 ? 3. SOUTHARD: 不 , 阁下。 我要求你解除财产 , 解除婚姻 , 换句话说让每个配偶分别拥有本来就拥有的财产,就像没有婚姻一样。 ..... 根据这些原因 , 阁下 , 我要求你把每一方被放回他们没有婚姻的原来位置。 4.1 法院 : 先生 , 这是你的关于婚姻财产的立场 ? 4.2 你的 意思,还有婚姻 财产(没法隐藏) ? 5. SOUTHARD: 是的 , 阁下。我想说 , 没有夫妻共同财产可分配的。 6.1 法院 : 这 ...... 你(这家伙,竟然要我造处),有没有任何其他证人或任何其它文件放进证据啊 ? 6.2 这......你 有任何其他证人或任何其它 文件可以放进证据吗? 7. SOUTHARD: 没有的 , 阁下。 8 .1 法院 : 好的。你正要休息 , 对吧 ? 8.2 好的。你要休息一下 , 对吧 ? 8.3 好的。你正在休息 , 对吧 ? 9. SOUTHARD: 这是正确的 , 阁下。 10. 法院 : 现在 3:15 。被告未能出现在这继续婚姻的审判 , 所以举证结束。被告不出庭作证 , 没有放置任何文件到证据中。法院注意到,先前法院阻止被告提供任何财务信息,是基于他未能遵守法院关于 discovery 的命令 . 。即使被告出现在今天的法庭上 , 他也被排除提供任何财务信息。我要采取一个非常短暂的休息,法院將作裁决,把休息记录在案。
Baltimore International Academy (BIA) , a K-8 public charter school in northeast Baltimore City is looking for an Kindergarten teacher as well as a Middle School Science teacher for its Chinese Immersion program for the 2012-2013 school year. Candidates must have native-level fluency in Chinese and be able to teach entirely in Chinese. The use of English is not permitted in the classroom. Candidates must be certified in either Elementary Education or Middle School Science, or have the credentials to become certified in the State of Maryland. The Middle School Science teacher will be expected to teach several periods of elementary school in Chinese Immersion until the Middle School Chinese Immersion program is fully expanded. Preference will be given to candidates who have experience with language immersion or International Baccalaureate (IB). Candidates must be able to legally work in the United States, as Baltimore City Public Schools (BCPS) does not sponsor work visas. Please send your cover letter and resume to [email protected] Sincerely, Lisa Eimer Executive Assistant to the Operator, Kona-Facia Nepay Baltimore International Academy 5434 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD 21214 Ph: 443-278-9417 Fax: 443-278-9418