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分享 六周年随笔---牵手摄影拥抱家庭
热度 8 xinsheng 2015-3-19 08:46
上周六是我上网开博 6 周年纪念日。以我网上几年的习惯,自然该写几句留着纪 念的。只是上周末整整两天跟随我家孩子泡在賈維茨中心观看和拍摄机器人大赛;这几天忙着上班外加周末落下的家务杂事,直到昨晚才把比赛相关照片整理并发给孩子的学校收录存档。忙死累死,却非常值得!今天一早,收到我孩子学校副校长的感谢短信“ These are REALLY terrific—far better than anything else I had, many thanks! We really appreciated all the parent support this year ~ ”。 看着这仅仅两行的感谢短信,那份喜悦和满足,还真是应了某网友鼓动我去机器人大赛拍照时所说的一句话:“为孩子们拍出好照片,就是对网上 6 年最好的纪念!” 6 年前我上网开博,第一篇原创博文就是刊登女儿的一首小诗,后来才开始发布我自己的流水日记,再后来有了自己的原创散文和小说,再后来的后来才有了摄影习作发布。 玩摄影始于去年 2 、 3 月份纽约的一场大雪。回想起来还挺好玩的,当时我对相机和摄影都完全没有概念,因为远在南方的朋友嚷着要看纽约的大雪,我举着超薄傻瓜机就去喀嚓。拍回来的照片不尽人意,朋友鼓励并指导我说:“你调整一下快门、光圈和 ISO 。。。”喔,这些东东多高深啊,我也能学?! 当即放眼 N 岸 N 地,多少网友早就单反、微单地发烧,个别的还摆出大师的样子在招兵买马收徒呢。嘿,咱又不笨,试试 何防 呢。于是乎,咱操着个超薄傻瓜机,开始学习构图、层次、色彩、意境。。。 玩着玩着,才了解到相机档次各不相同,就连傻瓜机也分高中低端,不同相机之间成像质量差异很大。随之,发现自己的超薄傻瓜机实在不给力,不仅不能快速对焦,而且在色泽和锐度方面难敌单反或微单,有时甚至不如爱疯三星黑莓手机啊。得,升级!到了 6 月份,咱也来个鸟枪换炮啦。几百刀的初级单反外加一个低端驴头,虽然仍然是摄影圈中极为简陋的武器,但毕竟,可以手动调节各种摄影参数,相对傻瓜机有了更广阔的学习和创作空间。 摄影,都说是有钱有闲人的烧钱耗时玩意,我有工作有家庭有孩子还有学业,其实是玩不起的。算是初生牛犊不怕虎吧,咱们明知山有虎,偏向虎中行!咱就凭简陋的武器和有限的业余时间,把摄影创作融会到自己的日常生活和各种活动之中 ! 大半年下来,咱一镜闯天下,且行且拍且歌且舞,人物、风景、鱼虫花鸟乃至微距摄影样样尝试,好一个不亦乐乎;上下班路上“扫街”,玩的就是工作与娱乐两不误;活动拍摄,那更是拥抱家庭牵手摄影其乐融融。摄影,不仅是自娱自乐自我提升,更可以是实实在在 地为纽约与纽约客做好事,比如展示纽约大都市之美,报道纽约都市活动新闻;也可以为祖国和华人实实在在的做点事,比如家乡进步的图片展示,社区活动的广而 告之;最重要的,可以为自己孩子和学校的各种活动奉献自己的一点爱心与支持,比如我开篇提到的,加入孩子的机器人比赛活动并全程为他们拍照。。。 现代生活离不开玩网,我们不仅玩,而且要玩出境界!上网 6 年,玩摄影 1 年,收获良多,不仅在网上发布“扫街”之作几百幅,还多次应社区活动主办方协办方邀请为各式活动担任摄影,部分照片还被采用在“中华全国归国华侨联合会”上发布新闻。。。 感恩知足,我感谢网络感谢网友。 附录:摄影一周年习作回顾与展示 1. 清晨 2. 夕阳 3. 金秋 4. 运动 5. 腾飞 5. 雏鸟 6. 飞鸟 7. 琴瑟和谐 心心相印 9. 蜜蜂 10.钻石男孩 11. 流金溢彩 12. 月照家园(多重曝光拍摄)
个人分类: 杂七杂八|14359 次阅读|35 个评论
分享 Americans Better Stay Away From the China-Japan Death Struggle
岳东晓 2012-9-27 09:08
China, China Taiwan and Japan are readying themselves for a major showdown over the Diao-Yu Islands (釣魚島) . The Chinese character " 釣" means “to angle", " 魚" means "fish"。 The Diao-Yu island is literally a place where the Chinese have been angling fish since ancient times. O ne can view these islands from Google Earth. The screenshot below clearly shows that the Diao-Yu islands are on thecontinentalshelf of China. The direct distance from mainland China to Diao-Yu is only about 200 some miles. One may have heard that the US government referring to the Diao-Yu island as Senkaku Island. But that is a mistake. The official Japanese name for Diao-Yu island (釣魚島) is Yu-Diao island (魚釣島) . As you can see, the Japanese just switched the order of the two Chinese characters, from 釣魚 to 魚釣 . On ancient Chinese maps, the words are written from right to left. Apparently, the Japanese took a Chinese map and read it from left to right when they annexed the Diao-Yu island in 1895. It wasn't surprising that the Japanese didn't invent a new name for the island, most of Japanese around the time did not even have surnames and the written language of Japan was essentially Chinese. To verify that the official Japanese name for Diao-Yu Island is indeed Yu-Diao Island, we can check with the "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" at www.gsi.go.jp . The following screenshot shows that the Japanese name for Chinese " 釣魚島" is indeed " 魚釣島"。This is a significant point. The word "Senkakus" give an impression that Japan named the island independently. We now know that is untrue. The name "Senkakus", which did not appeal until 1900, is what Japanese calls the group of islands around Diao-Yu. Historical records show that China had administered the Diao-Yu islands since the Ming Dynasty, long before Japanese seized them in 1895 as a booty of its war against China. After Japanmade its sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, China and US became allies in a common struggle against Japanese imperialism. Many Americans died in the war against Japan. When Japan surrenderedunconditionallyin 1945, it fully accepted the PotsdamDeclaration and the Cairo Declaration.The latter states that " all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and The Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China. Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which she has taken by violence and greed." See, http://www.ndl.go.jp/constitution/e/shiryo/01/002_46/002_46tx.html . Consistently, the Potsdam Declaration issued by U.S., China and Britain dictates that "The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine." Minor islands are those smaller than two square kilometers. Neither the Diao-Yu island nor the Ryukyu Islands are minor islands and therefore are not part of Japan under Potsdam. Moreover, as we have seen above, Japan stole the Diao-Yu islands from China in 1895, and must return them to China under the mandate of the Cairo Declaration. In view of the history, Japan's nationalization of the Diao-Yu Islands thus poses a grave challenge to the verdict of the Second World War and constitutes a disruption of the postwar world order. Japan's rekindled militarism has crossed the red line and will not be tolerated by China. A Sino-Japan conflict isinevitable. The position taken by United States will determine whether there coming conflict will be localized within the western pacific or will become the prelude to World War III. The Americans and Chinese should cherish their old friendship and work together to stop Japan's neo-militarism. While some Americans may have forgotten Pearl Harbor, the Japanese surely remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Japanese are not your ordinary friend. If they acquire adequateweaponry, they won't be very sentimental on using it to avenge the two atomic bombs, and they aren't afraid of dying . Americans ought to be cautious. China and Japan had engaged in blood feud long before the white people settled in America. It will be tragic if the Americans are dragged into the China-Japan conflict. Many Chinese are already suspicious of America's role in the current dispute. No one is threatening the world with nuclear destruction over Diao-Yu Islands. However, escalation of the Diao-Yu Island dispute could lead to large scale devastation over vast areas. Americans nuked Japan twice over Pearl Harbor, killing over 100,000 Japanese with instant vaporization or lingering radiation diseases. Now, imagine what would be in people's minds if Japan slaughtered 30 million people, including women and children. That didn't happen to America but did happen to China. That is why Diao-Yu Islands conflict may eventually trigger unprecedented levels of destruction. China is a nuclear power. Current estimate puts China's stockpile at around three thousand thermonuclear warheads. It would be unwise for anyone to side with a former axis power and bear the brunt of Chinese justice. Americans better stay out of that age-old life-and-death struggle and live their happy lives as bystanders.
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