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分享 【2012最新对越反击经典纪录片】兄弟连-他们的战争第2集
热度 5 虎老 2013-5-21 02:34
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分享 2012年美国人权报告(英文)--Human Rights Record of the United States in 2012 ... ...
新闻速递 2013-4-21 12:53
Full Text of Human Rights Record of the United States in 2012 Human Rights Record of the United States in 2012 State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China Foreword The State Department of the United States recently released its Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012, posing as "the world judge of human rights" again. As in previous years, the reports are full of carping and irresponsible remarks on the human rights situation in more than 190 countries and regions including China. However, the U.S. turned a blind eye to its own woeful human rights situation and never said a word about it. Facts show that there are serious human rights problems in the U.S. which incur extensive criticism in the world. The Human Rights Record of the U.S. in 2012 is hereby prepared to reveal the true human rights situation of the U.S. to people across the world by simply laying down some facts. The human rights situation in the U.S. in 2012 has deeply impressed people in the following aspects: -- Firearms-related crimes posed serious threat to the lives and personal security of citizens in the U.S. Some shootings left astonishing casualties, such as the school shooting in Oakland, the Century 16 theater shooting in Colorado and the school shooting in Connecticut. -- In the U.S., elections could not fully embody the real will of its citizens. Political contributions had, to a great extent, influenced the electoral procedures and policy direction. During the 2012 presidential election, the voter turnout was only 57.5 percent. -- In the U.S., citizens' civil and political rights were further restricted by the government. The government expanded the scope of eavesdropping and censoring on personal telecommunications. The police often abused their power, resulting in increasing complaints and charges for infringement upon civil rights. The proportion of women in the U.S. who fell victims of domestic violence and sexual assault kept increasing. -- The U.S. has become one of the developed countries with the greatest income gap. In 2011, the Gini index was 0.477 in the U.S. and about 9 million people were registered as unemployed; About 16.4 million children lived in poverty and, for the first time in history, public schools reported more than one million homeless children and youth. -- There was serious sex, racial and religious discrimination in the U.S. Indigenous people suffered serious racial discrimination and their poverty rate doubled the national average. A movie produced by a U.S. director and aired online was deemed insulting to the Prophet Mohammed, sparking protests by the Muslims worldwide. -- The U.S. seriously infringed upon human rights of other nations. In 2012, U.S. military operations in Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan caused massive civilian casualties. U.S. soldiers had also severely blasphemed against local residents' religion by burning copies of the Muslim holy book, the Koran, and insulting bodies of the dead. There was a huge rise in birth defects in Iraq since the war against Iraq with military actions in which American forces used metal contaminant-releasing white phosphorus shells and depleted uranium bombs. -- The U.S. was not able to effectively participate in international cooperation on human rights. To date, the U.S. remains a country which has not participated in or ratified a series of core UN conventions on human rights, such as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. I. On Life and Personal Security The U.S. was haunted by serious violent crimes in 2012 with frequent occurrence of firearms-related criminal cases. Its people's lives and personal security were not duly protected. According to statistics released by the FBI in September 2012, an estimated 1,203,564 violent crimes occurred in the U.S. in 2011, about 386.3 violent crimes per 100,000 inhabitants. Aggravated assaults accounted for 62.4 percent of violent crimes reported to law enforcement. Robbery reached 29.4 percent of violent crimes, forcible rape accounted for 6.9 percent, and murder amounted to 1.2 percent of estimated violent crimes in 2011. And firearms were used in 67.7 percent of the nation' s murders, 41.3 percent of robberies, and 21.2 percent in all crimes in the U.S. Americans are the most heavily armed people in the world per capita. According to a CNN report on July 23, 2012, there were an estimated 270 million guns in the hands of civilians in the U.S. and more than 100,000 people were shot by guns each year. In 2010, there were more than 30,000 deaths caused by firearms. However, the U.S. government has done little in gun control. In 2008 and 2010 landmark Supreme Court rulings on two firearms-related cases dramatically diminished the authority of state and local governments to limit gun ownership. Roughly half of the 50 U.S. states have adopted laws allowing gun owners to carry their guns openly in most public places. And many states have 'stand your ground' laws that allow people to kill if they come under threat, even, in some cases, if they can escape the threat without violence. According to an article on the website of the Hindu on August 7, 2012, in population-adjusted terms, civilians in some parts of the U.S. are more likely to become the victim of a firearms-related murder than their counterparts in war-torn regions like Iraq or Afghanistan. On January 16, 2013, the U.S. president announced 23 steps on gun control to take immediately without congressional approval. And the president signed three of the measures. But the public opinion generally believes that the gun-control measures will encounter great resistance. According to a report on the USA Today's website on October 17, 2012, the violent crime rate went up 17 percent in 2011. Firearms-related violent crimes posed as one of the most serious threats to the lives and personal security of the U.S. citizens. Statistics showed that an estimated 14,612 people fell victims of murder in 2011 and 9,903 of them were firearms-related murder victims (Website of the Congressional Research service, www.fas.org, November 14, 2012). The U.S. witnessed more firearms-related violent crimes in 2012. According to NYPD statistics published on September 2, 2012, there had been 1,001 shootings so far that year in New York, about 3.4 percent more than the 968 reported at the same time the previous year (NY Daily News, September 9, 2012). According to statistics from the website of Chicago Police Department, there were 2,460 shooting incidents in Chicago in 2012, up 10 percent year on year. Some of the shootings were quite bloody and terrifying, such as the movie theater shooting in Colorado and the school shooting in Connecticut. On July 20, 2012, James E. Holmes, 24, entered a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, carrying an AR-15 rifle, a 12-gauge shotgun and at least one handgun. He sprayed people at the theater who were watching a movie, leaving at least 12 dead and 59 wounded. A witness said: "He was just literally shooting everyone, like hunting season." According to a CNN report on July 21, law enforcement documents showed that the weapons were purchased legally by Holmes at sporting goods stores in the Denver area over a six-month period before the shooting happened. According to a CNN report on July 23, in wake of the shooting rampage in Colorado, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said: "I don't think there's any other developed country in the world that has remotely the problem we have." On December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and six adult staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. He committed suicide after that. But before he came to the school, he had shot and killed his mother. The incident was the second deadliest school shooting in the U.S. history, after the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre which left 32 killed. II. On Civil and Political Rights The recent years have seen closer surveillance of American citizens by the U.S. government. In the country, abuse of suspects and jail inmates is common occurrence, and equal suffrage enjoyable by citizens continues to be undermined. The U.S. government continues to step up surveillance of ordinary Americans, restricting and reducing the free sphere of the American society to a considerable extent, and seriously violating the freedom of citizens. The U.S. congress approved a bill in 2012 that authorizes the government to conduct warrantless wiretapping and electronic communications monitoring, a move that violates people's rights to privacy. According to a report carried on May 4, 2012 by the CNET website, the FBI general counsel' s office has drafted a proposed law requiring that social-networking websites and providers of VoIP, instant messaging, and Web e-mail to alter their code to ensure their products are wiretap-friendly (news.cnet.com, May 4, 2012). Documents released by the American Civil Liberties Union on September 27, 2012, reveal that federal law enforcement agencies are increasingly monitoring American's electronic communications. Between 2009 and 2011, the Justice Department' s combined number of original orders for "pen registers" and "trap and trace devices" used to spy on phones increased by 60 percent, from 23,535 in 2009 to 37,616 in 2011. The number of authorizations the Justice Department received to use these devices on individuals' email and network data increased 361 percent between 2009 and 2011. The National Security Agency collects purely domestic communications of Americans in a "significant and systematic" way, intercepting and storing 1.7 billion emails, phone calls and other types of communications every day. A Wired investigation published in March 2012 revealed the NSA is currently constructing a huge data center in Utah, meant to store and analyze "vast swaths of the world' s communications" from foreign and domestic networks (The Guardian, July 10, 2012). As the American Civil Liberties Union explained in its December 2011 report, the U.S. could potentially use military drones to spy on its citizens (Fars News Agency, June 26, 2012). On September 17, 2012, or the first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street's initial demonstration, confrontations between protesters and police around the Wall Street resulted in the arrests of more than 100 people (The New York Times, September 17, 2012). The U.S. journalist community is worried about the continued toughening up of legislation on mass media. It is frequent that journalists in the U.S. lose their jobs because of "politically incorrect" opinions (www.mid.ru, October 22, 2012). Complaints and allegations of American police violating rights of suspects and jail inmates are going up. A litany of lawsuits was brought against the New York City Police Department, with police officers charged with violating civil rights in law enforcement. According to a report carried by the Chicago Tribune on March 6, 2012, jail inmate Eugene Gruber, 51, was paralyzed a day after he walked into a jail where he was believed to have been maltreated. He died of injury four months after the jail incident. Another report by the Chicago Tribune on March 21, 2012 showed that suspect Darrin Hanna suffered trauma from physical restraint and Taser shocks during a struggle with North Chicago police and died a week later. The CNN reported on May 17, 2012 that some 9.6 percent of the prisoners in state prisons are sexually victimized during confinement, more than double the rate cited in a report on the subject in 2008. In Texas state prisons, many inmates are housed in triple-digit temperatures in Fahrenheit. Four inmates -- Larry Gene McCollum, 58; Alexander Togonidze, 44; Michael David Martone, 57; and Kenneth Wayne James, 52 -- died in summer of 2011 from heat stroke, and at least five others were believed to have died from heat-related causes (www.texascivilrightsproject.org, July 7, 2012). American citizens have never really enjoyed common and equal suffrage. Despite an increase of over eight million citizens in the eligible population in the U.S. presidential election of 2012, voter turnout registered a drop of five million from four years before, with only 57.5 percent of eligible citizens voting (bipartisanpolicy.org, November 8, 2012). A February 2012 report by the Pew Center said America's voter registration system is plagued with errors and inefficiencies that undermine voter confidence and fuel partisan disputes over the integrity of the country's elections (www.pewstates.org). The U.S. election is like money wars, with trends of the country's policies deeply influenced by political donations. The 2012 election had an estimated cost totalling six billion U.S. dollars. The Obama campaign and the Democratic camp raised 1.06 billion dollars, and the Romney campaign and the Republican camp raised a total of 954 million dollars (www.standard.co.uk, November 6, 2012). Both groups have funding support from business giants. An opinion poll showed that nearly 90 percent of Americans believe the 2012 election is marked by too many political donations from business circles, which will mean the increased influence of the rich over the country's policy-making (The International Herald Leader , November 16, 2012). A Harvard professor said America' s political system is sinking into serious crisis as it is under manipulation of interest groups and their sponsors. Election donations give a loose rein to all other defects. American politics are corroding the people, making them increasingly dependent on interest groups (Internationale Politik, November December issue, 2012). Citing a world-known analyst, the Christian Science Monitor website in a report on November 5, 2012 said America's trouble-prone voting machines, the risk of tampering in those machines, the lack of transparency in vote tabulation, and then the Electoral College system, combine to give the country an election system that leaves much to be desired. III. On Economic and Social Rights To date, the U.S. government has not approved the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which was already ratified by 160 countries. Many American citizens could not enjoy the internationally-recognized economic and social rights. Unemployment in the U.S. has long been high. A huge number of Americans newly joined the unemployed population in recent years. Figures released by the U.S. Department of Labor on May 4, 2012 showed that in April 2012 the unemployment rate was 8.1 percent, with 12.5 million people unemployed. Citing a report, the Huffington Post website in a story dated December 3, 2012 said nearly 6.5 million U.S. teens and young adults are neither in school nor working, and the employment rate for teens between the ages of 16 and 19 has fallen 42 percent over the last decade. The Los Angeles Times in a report published on April 27, 2012 said the unemployment rate for veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq is 10.3 percent, and for veterans aged 24 and under, the rate is 29.1 percent. It is also hard for college graduates to find jobs. The Associated Press reported on April 22, 2012 that 53.6 percent of bachelor' s degree-holders under the age of 25 in America were jobless or underemployed in 2011. Of the nearly 20 million people employed by the American food industry, just 40 percent are earning enough to put them over the local poverty line (www.huffingtonpost.com, June 6, 2012). Poverty in the U.S. has increasingly worsened since the economic crisis in 2008. America' s poverty rate in 2011 was 15 percent, with 46.2 million people in poverty, according to the U.S. Census Bureau data released on September 12, 2012. Almost 18 million American homes struggled to find enough to eat in 2011, including 6.8 million households that worried about having enough money to buy food several months out of the year (www.ers.usda.gov, September 5, 2012). A report carried by the Huffington Post on October 30, 2012 indicated that the U.S. has a staggering 22 percent of its children living in poverty. The U.S. is one of those that have the highest child poverty rates of all developed nations. The gap between the rich and poor is growing in the U.S. over the years. The U.S. has the fourth worst income inequality compared to other developed countries, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. America's Gini index was 0.477 in 2011 and income inequality increased by 1.6 percent between 2010 and 2011, indicating a widened rich-poor gap. Between 2010 and 2011, the share of aggregate income increased 1.6 percent for the quintile with the highest household income, and increased 4.9 percent for the top five percent households. The aggregate share of income declined for the middle quintile. The changes in the shares of aggregate income for the lowest two quintiles were not statistically significant (www.census.gov, September 12, 2012). A huge number of people are homeless in the U.S. According to a report released by National Alliance to End Homelessness on January 17, 2012, the nation had 636,017 homeless people in 2011, including 107,148 chronically homeless people. There were 21 homeless people per 10,000 people in the general population. Nearly four in 10 homeless people were unsheltered. The unsheltered population was 243,701 in 2011, up 2 percent from 2009. In April 2012, the New York City homeless shelter population was 10 percent higher than the previous year (www.coalitionforthehomeless.org, June 8, 2012). Homeless people suffer discrimination and assaults. Citing a survey of 234 cities, a USA Today report dated February 15, 2012 said 24 percent of the U.S. cities prohibit begging, 22 percent prohibit loitering, 16 percent labels sleeping in public places as illegal. From 1999 through 2010, the homeless faced 1,184 acts of reported violence resulting in 312 deaths. The U.S. is among the few developed countries without health insurance covering its whole population. A considerable number of Americans have no access to necessary healthcare services when in illness because of having no health insurance. The number of people without health insurance coverage was 48.6 million in 2011, accounting for 15.7 percent of the population (www.census.gov, September 12, 2012). A Huffington Post report on November 13, 2012 said about 115,000 women in the U.S. lose their private health insurance each year in the wake of divorce, largely because they have trouble paying premiums for private insurance. A study, released on June 20, 2012, by the consumer advocacy group Families USA, estimates that a total of 26,100 people aged 25 to 64 died for lack of health coverage in 2010, up 31 percent from 18,000 in 2000 (www.reuters.com, June 20, 2012). IV. On Racial Discrimination The long-existing racial discrimination prevalent in the U.S. society sees no improvements, and ethnic minorities do not enjoy equal political, economic and social rights. Ethnic Americans' rights to vote are limited. During the presidential election in November 2012, some Asian-American voters were obstructed at voting stations and received with discriminations (The China Press, November 8, 2012). The United Nations Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur used to lodge a joint accusation against the U.S. of failing to fully guarantee the rights to vote of African-Americans and Hispanics. The January/February 2013 edition of the Boston Review reported that as of 2010, more than 5.85 million American citizens were disenfranchised because of criminal convictions, and more than two million African-Americans currently are stripped of their right to vote. The U.S. attorney general also acknowledged, as the rights to vote of some ethnic Americans were restricted by laws requiring proof of identity, some people are as a matter of fact stripped of such rights (The Guardian, May. 30, 2012). Ethnic Americans are discriminated against in the job market, and their economic well-being worsens as a result. According to statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor, the unemployment rate of whites was registered 7.0 percent in Oct. 2012, 14.3 percent for African-Americans and 10.0 percent for Hispanics. The average period of unemployment for ethnic minorities is notably longer than that for whites. Asians are unemployed on average for 27.7 weeks, African-Americans for 27 weeks (Desert News, December 4, 2012). According to data from the federal Labor Department, over half of all African-Americans and non-Hispanic blacks in New York city, who were old enough to work, had no jobs in 2012, and it takes them almost a full year on average to find another job (Madame Noire, June 21, 2012). Employment discrimination is the main reason behind income disparity and poverty. According to statistics released by the U.S. Census Bureau on September 12, 2012, the median household income for African-Americans was 32,229 U.S. dollars in 2011, less than 60 percent of that of non-Hispanic whites; and the poverty rate for African-Americans stood at 27.6 percent, almost three times of that of non-Hispanic whites. Racial discrimination is rampant in the field of law enforcement and justice. The Reuters website reported on July 3, 2012, police tend to be more lenient to whites. Out of more than 685,000 police stops in New York City in 2011, more than 85 percent of the stopped were black or Hispanic. Ethnic Americans are often offended by law enforcement authorities. A 21-year-old black man in Arkansas was searched and put into a police car, and later was found shot in the head while handcuffed (www. telegraph.co.uk, August 8, 2012). The incidence where a 28-year-old black man, Mohamed Bah, was shot dead by New York police outraged the black community (NYDailyNews.com, September 26, 2012). An article on the website of Texas Civil Rights Project on July 24, 2012 said the Austin police' excessive use of force had led to two fatal police shootings of minority suspects since 2011. The president of the Texas Civil Rights Project said that the shooting death of a dog even received more thorough and careful investigation than the death of a black victim. The New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow wrote an article on January 14, 2013, saying "the idea that progress toward racial harmony would or should be steady and continuous is fraying. And the pillars of the institution -- the fundamental devaluation of dark skin and strained justifications for the unconscionable -- have proved surprisingly resilient." Religious discrimination is rapidly on the rise, with an increase in insults and attacks against Muslims. Muslims account for less than one percent of the U.S. population, but are involved in 14 percent of religious discrimination cases under investigation of the federal government, and 25 percent of employment-related discrimination cases (www. sinovision.net, March 29, 2011). In September, 2012, a U.S. film director made a film that is insulting to the Prophet Muhammad and posted it online, which triggered waves of protests in the Muslim world. In Houston, a dead pig was left in front of a mosque (abclocal.go.com, December 5, 2012). The U.S. Navy special operations force was reported to use images of gun-holding Muslim women as training targets (www.nydailynews.com, July 3, 2012). The 57-year-old Muslim, Bashir Ahmad, was stabbed and bitten outside a Mosque by a suspect who shouted anti-Muslim expletive during the attack (Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2012). Since the September 11 attacks, the U.S. Justice Department has investigated more than 800 incidents of violence, vandalism and arson against people believed to be Muslim, Arab or South Asian (www. reuters.com, March 29, 2011). Apartheid in fact still exists in the American society. New York Times reported on August 6, 2012 that, the proportion of non-Hispanic black residents on the Upper East Side is only 2.7 percent, and whites 81 percent. Local co-op boards can reject black buyers without giving a reason, and some Upper East Side co-ops have a reputation for rejecting black buyers. A study found that the New York area was the second most segregated for black people and the third most segregated for Hispanic and Asian residents. A superintendent of NASA Real Estate Corporation was sued for refusing to show three African-Americans any openings, claiming no apartments were available for rent, but showing vacancies to white individuals who inquired about the same apartments less than an hour after turning down black renters, saying, "You look like nice people. That's why I show you." (queenscourier.com, December 12, 2012) Furthermore, studies found a rising tide of apartheid in the U.S. workplace. Nineteen out of the 58 surveyed industries showed a trend toward racial re-segregation between white men and black men (www.washingtonpost.com, October 25, 2012). Racial relationship is in tension, and hate crimes take place frequently. The Associated Press reported on October 28, 2012, citing a latest poll, that 51 percent of Americans now express explicit anti-African-American attitudes, three percentage points higher than in 2008. The abc.go.com reported on November 19, 2012, three shop owners of Middle Eastern descent were shot dead in four months in Brooklyn, New York, and the police cannot rule out the possibility of the homicides being racially motivated. Two young white men from Mississippi killed a black man by running a truck over him. The two, since 2011, have frequently assaulted and attacked African-Americans in and around Jackson, Mississippi, using beer bottles, sling shots and motor vehicles, and they often bragged about their exploits (Reuters, December 5, 2012). A white gunman named Wade Michael Page killed six Sikh worshippers at their temple, and his motivation was linked to neo-Nazi propaganda, and he was suspected to be a white supremacist (edition. cnn.com, August 10, 2012). Native Americans' rights are not properly guaranteed. In 2012, the United Nations Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur on racism, Mutuma Ruteere, pointed out Navajos, a branch of Native Americans, faced racial discrimination, including the lack of access to justice and legal remedies (United Nations document number A/67/328). United Nations Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous people, James Anaya, said the ability of Native Americans to use and access their sacred places is often curtailed by mining, logging, hydroelectric and other development projects. He cited research figures of relevant institutions, saying Native Americans' poverty rates nearly double the national average, and their life expectancy is 5.2 years less than the national average. Thirteen percent of Native Americans hold a basic university degree, much lower than the national average, 28 percent. Indigenous women are more than twice as likely as all other women to be victims of violence and one in three of them will be raped during her lifetime (United Naitons document number A/HRC/21/47/Add.1). The rights of illegal immigrants are violated. Deaths often occur in immigration detention centers. United Nations Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur Christof Heyns said in his report that deaths occurred in prison-like conditions where detention was neither necessary nor appropriate, and where no proper medical care was provided (United Nations document number A/HRC/20/22/Add.3). U.N human rights experts and South Florida Haitian rights advocates call for the U.S. to suspend all deportations to Haiti, saying the deportations may constitute a human rights violation, and may place the Haitians in a life-threatening position (The Miami Herald, June 6, 2012). V. On the rights of women and children The U.S. remains one of a few countries in the world that have not ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women or the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It faces prominent problems in protecting the rights of women and children. Women face discrimination in employment and payment. Women made up about two-thirds of all workers in the U.S. who were paid minimum wage or less in 2011 and 61 percent of full-time minimum wage workers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (www.womensenews.org, December 11, 2012). On average, women have to work as far as April 17 into 2012 to catch up with that men earned in 2011, meaning women earned 77 cents to the male dollar. African American women earn 62 cents to the male dollar, Latinas 54 cents. In some states, women of color earn less than half as their male counterparts. Women in Wyoming, the lowest ranking state, earn just 64 cents on the male dollar (www.womensenews.org, April 30, 2012). Voters in Oklahoma approved an amendment to the state's constitution to end affirmative action programs in state government that had been designed to increase the hiring of minorities and women in the state's 115 agencies (www.articles.chicagotribune.com, November 7, 2012). The problems that pregnant women and new mothers face on the job are very real. Employers routinely ignore mandate in the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and are forcing pregnant women out of the workplace (www.edition.cnn.com, November 26, 2012). A Houston mother says she was fired from her job at a collection agency after asking to bring a breast pump into the office so she'd have plenty of fresh breast milk for her newborn. A new Connecticut mom says her new employer asked her to resign after she told them she was pregnant (www.latimes.com, February 8, 2012). The poverty rate among women is higher than males. The National Women's Law Center (NWLC) announced that the poverty rate for women in 2011 was 14.6 percent, compared to men's 10.9 percent. Women are more likely to live in poverty and about 40 percent of women who head families live in poverty, according to the NWLC. Another report on the plight of female retirees also notes that the poverty rate among retired women is 50 percent higher than their male counterparts (womensenews.org, September 17, 2012). Women are the victims of violence and sexual assaults. An average of three women in the U.S. lose their lives every day as a result of domestic violence (www.dccadv.org, October 1, 2012). A national census of domestic violence agencies in September 2011 found that more than 67,000 victims were served in a single day (www.womensenews.org, July 17, 2012). In 2010, the arrest rate for rape was 24 percent in the U.S. (www.thedailybeast.com, April 9, 2012). According to the Report on Violence against Women, its Causes and Consequences, submitted by the Special Rapporteur to the General Assembly in 2012, most prison staff in the U.S. is not adequately trained to prevent or respond to inmate sexual assaults, and prison rape often goes unreported and untreated (United Nations document number A/67/227). Women in the U.S. forces are the victims of widespread sexual abuse, leading to media allegation that the US military has a culture of rape (www.aljazeera.com, August 4, 2012). Around 79 percent of women serving in the military reported experiences of sexual harassment. Military sexual trauma often leads to debilitating conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and major depression (www.servicewomen.org). That Air Force drill instructor Luis Walker was accused of raping and sexually assaulting 10 female trainees is the biggest sex scandal to hit the U.S. military since the 1990s (www.reuters.com, July 21, 2012). In 2011, nearly 3,200 rapes and sexual assaults were officially reported, but the Pentagon admits that represents just 15 percent of all incidents. A military survey revealed that one in five women in the US forces has been sexually assaulted, but most do not report it. Nearly half said that they "did not want to cause trouble in their unit" (www.aljazeera.com, August 4, 2012). The health of female minority groups is worrying. A media report in June 2012 said rate of HIV infection in heterosexual African American women in the poorest neighborhoods of Washington, D.C. nearly doubled the 6.3 percent infection rate two years before. Officials said 90 percent of all women with HIV in the city are black (www.washingtonpost.com, June 21, 2012). Sixty-six percent of the women newly infected with HIV each year are black, even though African-American women represent only 14 percent of the U.S. female population. The national age-adjusted death rate for black women in the U.S. is nearly 15 times higher than that observed for HIV-infected white women (www.newswise.com, March 7, 2012). Minority women in the U.S. are more likely to die during or soon after childbirth than white women, according to a report posted on the website of the Chicago Tribune on August 3, 2012. For every 100,000 babies born to white women, between seven and nine moms die from complications related to pregnancy. In comparison, 32 to 35 black women die for every 100,000 live babies. Deaths among Hispanic and Asian women - born in the U.S. and abroad - are closer to rates for white women at around 10 per 100,000. Children in the U.S. are not blessed with enough protection for their personal safety and freedom. According to a report posted on the website of the Daily Telegraph on December 16, 2012, the slaughter of children by gunfire in the U.S. is 25 times the rate of the 20 next largest industrial countries in the world combined. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children says at least 100,000 children across the country are trafficked each year (www.usatoday.com, September 27, 2012). Child sexual abuse is a widespread public health problem. Research indicates that 20 percent of adult females and 5 to 15 percent adult males experienced sexual abuse in childhood or adolescence, according to a report posted on the website of www.preventchildabuse.org on November 5, 2012. In 2010, 63,527 children in the U.S. were victims of child sexual abuse. According to a report by the CNN on October 18, 2012, 1,247 "ineligible volunteer files" of the Boy Scout released that year identified more than 1,000 leaders and volunteers banned from Boy Scout after being accused of sexual or inappropriate conduct with boys from 1965 to 1985. Priests and leaders of the Boy Scouts had shielded abusers, according to the report. Former Pennsylvania State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was convicted of abusing 10 children over 15 years (www.usatoday.com, October 10, 2012). In 2012, several religious figures were found to have sexually assaulted children. In July 2012, Roman Catholic monsignor William Lynn was sentenced to six years in prison for allowing a priest suspected of sexual misconduct with a minor to have continued contact with children (the Wall Street Journal, July 24, 2012). In September, a Roman Catholic bishop in Kansas City was found guilty of failing to tell authorities about child pornography that was produced by a priest under his supervision (the Wall Street Journal, September 6, 2012). The number of homeless children increases sharply in the U.S. and many children are stricken by poverty. For the first time in history, public schools reported more than one million homeless children and youth, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Education on June 27, 2012. This total does not include homeless children and youth who were not enrolled in public preschool programs and those identified by school officials. Forty-four states reported school year-to-year increases in the number of homeless students, with 15 states reporting increases of 20 percent or more. The number of homeless children enrolled in public schools has increased 57 percent since the 2006-2007 school year. In Michigan, the number of homeless children enrolled in public schools had increased 315 percent between 2008 and 2011 (www.nlchp.org, June 27, 2012). The number of children in New York city's shelters hit 19,000 by September 2012. Francheska Luciano, 14, said living in shelter was "like living in hell." (www.nydailynews.com, September 9, 2012) The U.S. Department of Education said in a report that only 52 percent of identified homeless students who took standardized tests were proficient in reading, and only 51 percent passed the math portion. Homeless students were also found to be more likely to drop out of school and less likely to graduate from high school than their classmates (www.neatoday.org, Nov. 28, 2012). According to "America's Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2012," 22 percent of the children aged 0 to 17, or 16.4 million kids, live in poverty in 2010 (www.csmonitor.com, July 17, 2012). Fourteen states saw increases in child poverty between 2010 and 2011 (usatoday.com, September 23, 2012). Nevada saw a 38 percent increase in child poverty over the past decade (www.csmonitor.com, August 17, 2011). VI. On U.S. Violations of Human Rights against Other Nations Since the end of the Cold War, the U.S. has waged wars on other countries most frequently. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, both started by the U.S., have caused massive civilian casualties. From 2001 to 2011, the U.S.-led "war on terror" killed between 14,000 and 110,000 per year, said an article posted on the website of Stop the War Coalition on June 14, 2012 (stopwar.org.uk, June 14, 2012). The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) tallied at least 10,292 non-combatants killed from 2007 to July 2011. The Iraq Body Count project records approximately 115,000 civilians killed in the cross-fire from 2003 to August 2011. According to the article, beyond the two states under occupation, the "War on Terror" has spilled into a number of neighboring countries including Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, killing a great many civilians there. From 2004 to the time the article was written, a minimum of 484 civilians, including 168 children, were killed in strikes that occurred in Pakistan. It was also reported by the media that strikes resulted in 56 civilian deaths in Yemen, the article added. A news report, posted on BBC's website on September 25, 2012, pointed at recurrent U.S. drone attacks in the border regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan (www.bbc.co.uk, September 25, 2012). "Just one in 50 victims of America's deadly drone strikes in Pakistan are terrorists - while the rest are innocent civilians," said an article posted on September 25, 2012, on the website of the Daily Mail (www.dailymail.co.uk, September 25, 2012). U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan also kill civilians for no reason. U.S. soldier Robert Bales was reported to walk out of a military base in the southern province of Kandahar at 3 o'clock on the night of March 11, 2012 and killed 17 civilians, including nine children. Bales split the slaughter into two episodes, returning to his base after the first attack and later slipping away to kill again. He first came to one family in a nearby village and shot a man dead, which scared others in the family to hide in neighborhood. Then he went to a second family and shot dead three people and injured six. Afterwards, he returned to his base and left for another village after chatting with one soldier at the base. In the village, he broke into a family and shot dead more than 10 people who were sound asleep. After the massacre, he collected some of the bodies and burned them.( The Agence France-Presse, March 23, 2012; The Associated Press, March 24, 2012; The Huffington Post, November, 11, 2012) U.S.-led military operations have also brought forth ecological disasters. An article posted on the website of The Independent on October 14, 2012 cited a study that reported a "staggering rise" in birth defects among Iraqi children conceived in the aftermath of the war (www.independent.co.uk, October 14, 2012). Steve Kretzmann, director of Oil Change International, said that the Iraq war was responsible for at least 141 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2e) from March 2003 through December 2007, according to a piece posted on December 21, 2009 on coto2.wordpress.com (coto2.wordpress.com, December 21, 2009). "The war emits more than 60 percent of all countries," said Kretzmann. A study, cited by an article posted on the website of The Independent on October 14, 2012, linked a huge rise that Iraq had recorded since the war in birth defects with military actions in which American forces used metal contaminant-releasing white phosphorus shells. It found that in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which saw two of the heaviest battles during the Iraq war, more than half of all babies surveyed were born with a birth defect between 2007 and 2010. Before the war, the figure was more like one in 10. More than 45 percent of all pregnancies surveyed ended in miscarriage in the two years after 2004, up from the previous 10 percent (www.independent.co.uk, October 14, 2012). U.S. soldiers have also severely insulted Afghan people's dignity and blasphemed against their religion. The AFP reported on September 24, 2012 that during a counter-insurgency operation in July 2011, four U.S. Marines urinated on three bloodied bodies of dead Taliban fighters, and one said, "Have a great day, buddy," to one of the dead. A videotape depicting their actions was recorded and later circulated on the Internet (The Agence France-Presse, September 24, 2012). In February 2012, U.S. troops at Bagram air base provoked public indignation by taking a batch of religious materials, including 500 copies of the Koran, to the incinerator, said a news story posted on the website of the Washington Post on August 27, 2012 (www.washingtonpost.com, August 27, 2012). The U.S. army has for long detained foreigners illegally at the Guantanamo prison. By January 2012, 171 people were still held there, said an article posted on the website of Watching America on January 17, 2012. They were denied the rights accorded to prisoners of war under the Geneva Conventions, and savagely tortured (www.watchingamerica, January 17, 2012). American authorities have revealed that, in order to obtain confessions, some of the few being tried (only in military courts) have been tortured by waterboarding more than 100 times or intimidated with semiautomatic weapons, power drills or threats to sexually assault their mothers, said an article posted on the website of the New York Times on June 24, 2012 (www.nytimes.com, June 24, 2012). Media reported that in September 2012, a 32-year-old Yemeni named Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif died at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, the ninth to have died there while in custody. He had been held at the detention camp since it was established in January 2002, without being charged with any crime (abcnews.go.com). On January 23, 2012, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay spoke out against the failure by the U.S. to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility and to ensure accountability for serious violations - including torture - that took place there (www.un.org, January 23, 2012). A noted American wrote in an article that the American government's counterterrorism policies "are now clearly violating at least 10 of the declaration's 30 articles, including the prohibition against 'cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment'" (www.nytimes.com, June 24, 2012). The U.S. refuses to acknowledge "the right to development," which is a common concern among the majority of countries. In September 2012, the 21st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) adopted a resolution on "the right to development." Except an abstention vote from the U.S., all the HRC members voted for the resolution. The 67th session of the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted the 21st consecutive resolution, by a recorded vote of 188 in favor to three against with two abstentions, calling for an end to the U.S.' 50-plus years of economic blockade against Cuba. One of the three dissenting votes was from the U.S. (United Nations document number GA/11311)
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分享 温暖2012·那些感动中国的草根
热度 1 zjx 2013-2-16 01:24
在病床上的吴菊萍看着自己7个月大的儿子陈至轩露出笑容(7月3日摄)。杭州女工吴菊萍因徒手抱接一名从10楼高空坠落的两岁女孩,造成手臂粉碎性骨折,女孩得救了,网友们称吴菊萍为“最美妈妈”。 “龙口最美女孩”刁娜在医院接受治疗(11月10日摄)。在山东龙口发生的一起连环车祸中,路过女孩刁娜主动看护一名遭遇车祸重伤者,在看护伤者时被撞伤,造成小腿骨折。刁娜被网民称为“龙口最美女孩”。 在青海省湟中县汉东回族乡下麻尔村小学,马复兴在为学生上语文课(6月17日摄)。马复兴是下麻尔村小学教师,他没有双手,却在三尺讲台上耕耘了30个春秋。 贵州省黔西南布依族苗族自治州贞丰县龙河村女医生钟晶为76岁的龙肖氏打针(4月13日摄)。钟晶坚守在大山深处,用贴心的服务为当地少数民族群众解除病痛,她是网友眼中的“最美乡村女医生”。 许张氏陪着躺在床上的儿子静静地坐着(8月18日摄)。安徽亳州95岁老人许张氏照顾瘫痪儿子40余年,被网友誉为“最坚强母亲”。 海口市大坡镇大坡中学退休物理老师陈起贤房间里悬挂着众多奖状(8月23日摄)。87岁的退休老教师陈起贤省吃俭用,用胡萝卜熬稀饭度日,每月的生活花费不足50元,却在10年间捐款30多万元发展家乡教育事业。 海口市大坡镇大坡中学退休物理老师陈起贤房间里悬挂着众多奖状(8月23日摄)。87岁的退休老教师陈起贤省吃俭用,用胡萝卜熬稀饭度日,每月的生活花费不足50元,却在10年间捐款30多万元发展家乡教育事业。 邵秀景带杨林到院里晒太阳(3月29日摄)。青海西宁妇女邵秀景与丈夫1979年收养了一名脑瘫弃儿,起名杨林,悉心照料他32年,用温暖而坚定的双手托起了生命的重量。 7月13日,武汉供电公司汉口分公司电缆维修工刘跃青在污水沟内抢修。当日武汉汉正街多幅商城附近停电,刘跃青穿着内裤跳入污水沟内抢修电缆,被网民称为“彪悍抢修哥”。 左图:南京信息工程大学毕业生离校前在宿舍窗口挂上横幅,表达对宿管阿姨吴光华的敬意和感谢;右图:吴光华在学生公寓值班室窗口与学生打招呼(拼版照片,6月21日摄)。宿管员吴光华给学生无微不至的关怀,她的事迹经常被学生晒在网络上,因为在毕业典礼上的精彩致辞,她引爆网络,被称为“最给力的宿管阿姨”。 在山西临汾市第三人民医院康复科病房内,仅92斤重的孟佩杰将体重130多斤的养母刘芳英背上轮椅(6月14日摄)。山西临汾女孩孟佩杰照料瘫痪养母刘芳英12年。2009年,孟佩杰被山西师范大学临汾学院录取后,她带着养母上了大学,网友称她为“临汾最美的女孩”。 在广西柳州西环路口的一条巷子里,韦炳梅帮父亲扫街(6月17日摄)。柳州市内一所专科院校的大一学生韦炳梅从小学六年级开始,利用课余时间陪着做环卫工人的父亲扫街,坚持了整整8年 腿脚不便又经常犯眩晕症的宋正凤(右)在戴路霞牵领下出门(9月7日摄)。江苏镇江的“微型妈妈”宋正凤将一个弃婴培养成大学生的故事在网络间流传,感动了万千网友。 “最美婆婆”陈贤妹与小悦悦的家人通电话(10月17日摄)。10月13日,在广东佛山,拾荒人陈贤妹毫不犹豫地抱起被两辆车撞伤、碾压的两岁女童小悦悦,并呼喊救人,被网友热赞为“最美婆婆”。 5月22日,广西钦州市消防支队钦南大队新兴中队副指导员谈夏林在营救火灾被困人员时,在浓烟中摘下自己的空气呼吸器,给了手中抱着的孩子。谈夏林被网民誉为“浓烟哥”。 裴永红在湘潭市中心医院接受治疗(3月17日摄)。湖南湘潭小伙子裴永红在右臂被列车车轮完全压断的情况下,强忍剧痛向列车发出停车信号,避免一起重大事故,网友感佩地称他为“断臂哥”。 欧兴田在抗战烈士纪念碑前行军礼(3月29日摄)。在安徽省固镇县,86岁的抗战老兵欧兴田拖着伤病之躯,为重建淮北西大门抗日烈士陵园四处奔走,并为牺牲的战友们守墓30年,被网民投票选为“中国好人榜”诚实守信“中国好人”。  陈起贤,男 87岁,海南海口大坡中学的退休教师。 陈起贤每月养老金有近2000元,但他给自己定下的生活费标准仅每月50元,通常两根胡萝卜熬粥就是一天的伙食。而他家中最值钱的还是学校给的一台老式电视机。 老人对自己这样苛刻,可在2001年时,他拿出了全部积蓄10万元给大坡中学建图书馆,图片馆建成后缺少书籍,陈起贤又捐出2000元购买图书。得知学校要重建校门,他又拿出3000元。 2004年开始,他又每年拿出5000多元积蓄,以父亲和自己的名义设立“业贤奖学金”,为学生发放奖学金。 随后他相继又拿出20万元,捐给大坡教育发展促进会,帮助贫困学子完成学业。   陈起贤说,他百年后愿意捐献出眼角膜,甚至愿意捐献出自己的全部身体,为社会做贡献。 孙焕平,男,42岁,江苏淮安楚州农民。   孙焕平初中毕业后,进城当了卖菜小贩,卖过豆腐,发过豆芽,做过水发产品,开过饭店,也曾经办过乳业公司。一来二去,他熟悉了市场上的“黑心菜”的内幕。保鲜粉发豆芽、在活鸡肚子里填沙子、用违法添加剂保鲜竹笋和海参等食品保鲜的技术等等,从饮料到水发产品、豆制品……孙焕平自己也搞不清楚换了多少行业。每个行业都有不可告人的秘密。   年过不惑的孙焕平觉得不能在这样的营生里混饭吃。他想到了要向全国人民揭发这些黑幕。2009年2月28日,十一届全国人大常委会第七次会议通过了《食品安全法》,孙焕平萌生在全国开展义务宣传《食品安全法》的想法。从2009年4月7日起,孙焕平开着自己购买的一辆箱式小卡车,和自愿者一起走遍全国29个省、市、自治区,行程5万里,自费义务宣传《食品安全法》,倡导设立法定食品安全日。因为这事,他耗资10多万元,有人说他是“神经病”,妻子跟他离婚,但他并不放弃。   今年5月,孙焕平宣传中,自费、自编、自导《食品安全法》宣传广场演出,包括了说唱、情景剧、小品等多种形式,将《食品安全法》的有关条款和解读贯穿于节目之中,现场“揭秘”了不法商家和商贩在豆芽、脆豆腐干、皮肚、水发产品等加工制作过程中的非食用化学添加剂使用过程和作用。 阿里木,男,40岁,新疆维吾尔人。   阿里木1989年在新疆石河子参军入伍。退伍后,在当地供销社工作,1997年供销社破产后,阿里木离开新疆走南闯北,2002年来到贵州省毕节市,以烤羊肉串为生。   他在毕节看见很多穷孩子上不起学。阿里木深知缺乏教育给人生带来的晦暗。从2006年起,阿里木决定用烤羊肉串挣来的钱在毕节学院设立“阿里木奖学金”,专门资助贫困学生。   8年来,阿里木卖出30多万串羊肉串攒下的10多万元,全部捐献出来资助了上百名贫困学生。很多网友被他的故事所感动,亲切地称他为:烤羊肉串的“慈善家”。 邓卫星,男,52岁,广东省英德市下石太镇农民。邓卫星在当地靠卖猪肉为生。他所在的下石太镇是英德最贫困、最偏远的镇之一,贫困家庭多、留守儿童多。   邓卫星从小喜欢读书,但因为穷,没能完成学业。他经营猪肉生意,每隔一段时间就要上山下乡收猪,他看到了很多和他一样因为贫困和路远上不了学的山里孩子。   为了圆山里孩子们一个读书梦。他和家里人商量,在自己家里办起了“学生之家”。从1981年到现在的29年里,前后共有859个孩子住进了他为孩子们提供的“学生之家”。这些孩子60%来自困难家庭,绝大部分是留守儿童。邓卫星夫妇看顾这859名山区的孩子,在这里读完了小学、中学。   最初,在邓卫星家寄宿是全免费的,只需要自己带些米。但随着孩子越来越多,为了维持“学生之家”,邓卫星开始收取很少的住宿费。从一年175元,到现在的每年325元。325元,平均一天只要两元多,即便如此,真能交足的孩子也还不到三分之一。   镇里的学校一度搬迁,邓卫星也跟着搬迁。1992年,邓卫星卖掉了两块珍藏的黄蜡石,倾其积蓄在现在的地方盖起了两层楼———8房2厅,除了自己一家四口住的3间房,剩下全拿来做了孩子们的宿舍。最多的一年,这里住过近50个孩子。   29年间,再苦再难,邓卫星从没主动向当地政府、向旁人。也没向从他这里走出去的孩子们伸过一次手,哪怕他们当中有人已经成了大老板。 “酒驾拖行交警2公里!3名的哥见义勇为围住肇事车辆!武汉人民呼唤你们,你们在哪里?”2011年11月,在武汉,一条奇特的寻人微博不断被热心网友转发;一段犹如大片般的车辆追逐、逼停的视频不断在微博中流传;一个展现真情与正义力量的故事正在连续上演……有网友表示,路见危难,挺身而出,真是大勇大义的“逼停哥”。 遇车祸农妇舍身救两岁孩童 死前仍紧抱孩子 当呼啸而来的卡车即将撞向那个两岁的孩子时,她毅然冲上前去,用自己柔弱的身体和温暖的怀抱,把生的希望延续给了孩子,把破碎不堪的死亡留给了自己——2009年3月,从湘阴往益阳的S308线凤南路段,一辆满载混凝土的的农用运输车在由南往北快速行驶过程中,撞上了湘阴县凤南乡新洲村村民王凤娇,并导致其死亡。王凤娇去世时,身上的衣服都被运输车碾碎,怀里被她救下的两岁女童却安然无恙。 “最美孝顺女” 带瘫痪养母上大学 她是网友眼里的“最美女孩儿”,但最美的不是她的外表,而是她的心灵。她就是照顾瘫痪养母刘芳英12年的山西女孩儿孟佩杰。20岁的孟佩杰有着非常坎坷的童年。她5岁那年,父亲遇车祸去世。母亲无奈把她送人,后来也因病去世。8岁那年,养母患病瘫痪在床,养父无法承受离家出走。她的担子更重了,却始终没耽误学业,去年带着养母进入了大学的校门。 “最美乡村女校长”李灵:我就是523个孩子的妈妈 她是一名80后。十年前,她从师范学院毕业后做出了惊人选择——到偏僻乡下办学校免费教留守儿童。如今,她的希望小学已经有523名学生。她既是校长,也是老师,但她更多的是扮演着留守儿童的妈妈角色。十年间,她曾推着三轮车到大街小巷收破烂,为的是让孩子们有课外书读;她至今仍欠债十万元,却对苦涩生活甘之如饴。她用实践证明着,80后是有梦想的一代。她,就是被誉为“最美乡村女校长”的河南周口淮阳许湾乡希望小学校长李灵。“我是一名乡村女教师,只是做了自己应该做的,我就是523个孩子的妈妈。”李灵如此轻描淡写地总结十年的坚守。 湖南冷水江农妇匍匐铁轨 舍身救出两位儿童 今年6月10日下午4点,家住冷水江市金竹山乡张家冲、靠近金竹山煤矿铁路专线附近的刘新红,突然发现在铁路转弯附近,有2个小孩在铁路上行走。转弯处火车急速行驶而来,铁路上的2个小孩面临着生命危险。刘新红飞速跑上去,将离自己最近的5岁小孩拉到铁路外面。时间就是生命,当刘新红再抱着另外一个2岁半的女孩时,已经来不急再离开铁轨。此时,刘新红急中生智,果断抱着这个小孩匍匐与2根铁轨之间,想尽量压低自己抱着小孩的身体,让火车从身上开过,保护小孩生命。这个生死一刻,被远处的村民石芳莲看见,石芳莲也迅速做出反映,面对迎面而来的火车大喊“看停车,车下有人”,并且本能的跪下,向火车发出停车的手势。当火车停下后,刘新红身上已经开过了四五节车箱,闻讯赶到的村民迅速将刘新红及小女孩送往医院救治。 . .感动常在,关爱长存!!!
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分享 2012官员形象危机报告
热度 4 蓝天绿地 2013-2-4 13:57
个人分类: 中国|9338 次阅读|8 个评论
分享 2012暑假加勒比海9日游(2)__ 船上美食
热度 9 xinsheng 2013-1-25 10:02
Normal 0 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 即便海上风景变幻无穷, 5 天 8 夜的海上行驶,再怎么也是漫长而沉闷的。好在,豪华游轮本身就是一所豪华度假村,不仅睡房、健身房、赌场、酒吧、餐馆应有尽有,美食更是全天候 24 小时不断地免费供应。 对于船上美食,许多人都对其自助餐赞不绝口,老外和不少老中更是对中式自助餐兴趣盎然,而我却对船上星级餐馆里的正式西餐情有独钟。自助餐,包括其中的中餐,虽然以品种繁多和随意拿食取胜,但食物的品质流于粗糙和大众化,远不如正式西餐馆里的食材精致又色香味俱全。 有图有真相,看照片吧。 船上的餐厅 船上餐厅的即兴表演 台头 1 (好像是海鲜沙拉) 台头 2 (好像是螃蟹饼) 台头 3 (鸡块) 台头 4 (烤鲜蚝。我还吃过烤青蛙腿,可惜没拍照) 正餐 1 (好像是火鸡肉) 正餐 2 (烤鱼片) 正餐 3 (烤羊) 正餐 4 (这么小的一个正餐,我儿子毫不客气要了两份) 正餐 5 (鱼) 正餐 6 (牛肉) 烤三文鱼 (婆婆好可怜,她儿子老让她吃这没啥味道的各式烤鱼) 尾台甜点 1 尾台甜点 2 尾台甜点 3 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;}
个人分类: 家庭日记|6115 次阅读|15 个评论
分享 2012俏皮话集锦(ZT)
热度 17 宜修 2013-1-23 12:49
2012 俏皮话集锦 1, 哥们儿,麻烦让一下,你挡着我的手机信号了。 2 ,我要让全世界都知道我很低调。 3 , 哎呦,您这么忙还亲自上厕所啊? 4 ,你的愚蠢总是那么富有创造力。 5 , 来到这世上,我就没打算活着回去! 6 ,孩子,人傻不能复生啊! 7 ,自从得了神经病,整个人都精神多了。 8 ,不能因为我俩有过节,你就把我当节过。 9 , 我这人不懂音乐,所以时而不靠谱,时而不着调。 10 ,唉 ~ 这人要是一没正形,连头痛都是偏的。 11 ,咳!该说的说,不该说的小声说。 12 ,我多想一不小心就与你白头偕老啊。 13 ,如果你容不下我,说明不是你的心胸太狭窄,就是我的人格太伟大。 14 ,你说你吧,没文凭还学人家长得丑,不聪明还学人家秃头顶! 15 ,你瞧你吧,看背影急煞千军万马,转过头吓退百万雄狮。 16 ,那天我心血来潮,用你的照片作电脑桌面,我靠,居然中电脑病毒了! 17 , 给我一张你的靓照呗,回家辟邪用。 18 ,作为失败的典型,你真的太成功了! 19 ,我这心碎的,捧出来跟饺子馅儿似的。 20 ,你的话,我连标点符号都不信。 21 , 别紧张,我又不是什么好人。 22 ,生活就像超级女声,走到最后的都是纯爷们儿。 23 ,本人已死,有事烧纸。小事招魂,大事挖坟。实在想我,下来陪我。如遇上线,纯属尸变! 24 ,你一出门,千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。 25 ,你的牙如同天上的繁星,色泽鲜艳,相距甚远。 26 ,天下之大,大不过你缺的那块心眼。 27 ,好久没有人把牛皮吹得这么清新脱俗了。 28 ,你给我滚,马不停蹄地滚! 29 , 别逼我,否则我伟大起来,一发不可收拾。 30 ,你居然敢说自己纯洁?瞧你那眼神就透着浑浊。 31 ,年轻算什么?谁没年轻过?你老过吗?真是的。 32 ,千万别动!你左脑全是水,右脑全是面粉,不动便罢了,一动全是浆糊。 33 , 上班的心情比上坟还沉重。 34 ,别说我高傲,我只是拒绝与禽兽打交道。 35 ,脑袋空不要紧,关键不要进水。 36 ,保护自己,关爱他人,请不要半夜出来吓人。 37 ,我心眼小,但不缺;我脾气好,但不是没有。 38 ,人和猪的区别就在于:猪一直是猪,而人有时候却不是人。 39 ,人家有的是背景,而我有的只是背影。 40 ,见到我之后你就会发现:原来帅也可以这么具体啊! 41 ,出问题多从自己身上找原因,别 TM 一便秘就怪地球没有引力。 42 , 完了,你也不理我了,我成狗不理了。 43 ,理想很丰满,现实很骨感。 44 ,没事儿晒晒太阳吧,没准儿晒黑了就没人说你是白痴了。 45 , 别和我谈理想,戒了。 46 ,不吃得饱饱的,哪有力气减肥啊。 47 ,低调!才是最牛 B 的炫耀。 48 ,执子之手,方知子丑,泪流满面,子不走我走。 49 ,就算是一坨屎也会有遇到屎壳郎的那天。所以大可不必为你是一坨屎而感到沮丧。 50 , 你要是鲜花,牛都不敢 lashi 了。
个人分类: 啼笑皆非|10726 次阅读|46 个评论
分享 看2012考博题?!
热度 5 燕山红场 2013-1-14 03:59
2012考博题】: 根据材料回答问题:   上海是全世界的上海,上海房价应和国际接轨。 80后男孩如果买不起房子,80后女孩可以嫁给40岁的男人。 80后男人如果有条件了,到40岁再娶20岁的女孩子也是不 错的选择…… 【1楼】回复:我终于到40岁了, 找到一个年轻貌美的20岁女友去她家见家长。 开门的是当年读大学时相处了几年的初恋女友。新女友喊了一声:“ 妈!” 【2楼】补充:她妈看到我,惊得倒吸一口冷气。没等我反应过来, 然后把女儿拉进房间里,对女儿说“你不能和他在一起, 他是你亲生父亲啊!” 【3楼 】女 儿:我已经有了他的骨肉…… 【4楼】 这时女孩的60多岁的父亲走出来看见了女孩的男友, 小声的对他说:“你怎么来了, 给你妈和你的生活费不是每月都按时打去的吗?” 【5楼】这时“叮咚”,女孩男友的妈来见亲家。见到女孩的父亲: “怎么是你……” 【6楼】女孩男友的父亲停完车也上楼了, 一见女孩的父亲马上内流满面:“你不就是我失散多年的儿子吗?” 【7楼】女孩母亲见到男友母亲:“妈!” 【8楼】女孩母亲见到男友他爸,叫了一声“爹!”, 立刻晕厥过去。 根据以上材料,回答以下问题: 1 你能理解到几楼? 2 男友他妈的妈见到女友他妈的爸叫什么?请写出推断过程。 3在本题中,有几个是独生子女?有几人可以享受独生子女待遇? 问:假如这对新人结婚,还可以享受双独生育二胎子女的待遇吗?
2223 次阅读|3 个评论
分享 2012最后一天:自家炮制火锅汤底
热度 13 羽化成蝶 2013-1-1 11:30
2012的最后一天,还是要上班,天理有木有?不上,工资就木有!混混沌沌忙个一天,想叫上小男生去餐馆吃一顿,人家模棱两可的回答让我不知所措,想到家里好像有可以涮火锅的材料,干脆吃火锅好了。想买现成的汤底,又觉得还不如自作呢! 汤底材料: 今夜当归定然有一枝,甘心情愿草要三片,黄芪党参五六根,红红火火的枣放数枚,枸杞龙眼加一小撮,开心莲子也要十数颗, 生姜几片,葱白数段,干香菇数朵, 金华美腿肉来一坨,排骨几根别少了,开2罐清鸡汤,加上水就开煮吧,煮到汤汁浓香四溢,约么30分钟。熬好了放几根葱段就可以端上桌架在火锅炉上涮了。 蘸料:蒜头7-8瓣儿,熟花生米1几颗,辣椒粉一勺,花椒一小勺,放进Grinder 里一通绞碎,盛出碗里,加上葱白碎,,油烧热,往碗里一浇香气就散出来了,再加一点蚝油,沙茶酱,生抽,鸡精,香菜2-3根切碎,拌匀,舀一点到自己碗里就可以开吃了。 主料:肥牛片,羊肉片,八爪鱼,牛百叶,鱼丸虾丸牛肉丸墨鱼丸。。。,油豆腐,老豆腐,口蘑,金针菇,黑木耳,藕片,土豆片,红薯粉丝,豌豆苗,油麦菜苗,年糕片,拉面(又是面!我不吃!!)还有什么,够了吧,想吃什么就往锅里扔!! 火锅的汤也很好喝,鲜甜鲜甜,甜味来自甘草,红枣,枸杞,桂圆,吃得肚儿溜圆,又撑着了 。学了一个“深水炸弹”:啤酒倒进大杯子里,用小酒杯装Vodka,扔进大啤酒杯里,再马上喝!小男生,你学坏啦!! 没有片片,想起来的时候,有点晚了,网上找一个,凑合着想象吧,我家的比较好吃! 2013年,幸福,健康,快乐!
14676 次阅读|22 个评论
分享 告别2012
热度 9 Chi202 2012-12-27 13:59
心里装着感恩什么的 脸上带着眷恋什么的 双手拖着牵挂什么的 转身毅然诀别2012 一路走过满地的惆怅 任风尘拂过的忧伤 叹息凋落的情丝雨霜 挽留不住世道的沧桑 别告我2013一个样 世界末日已殇 留下我 就给我一个新希望
19798 次阅读|25 个评论
分享 Bryce Canyon
热度 5 Chico 2012-12-25 22:05
Bryce 2 097.JPG bryce 2012 028.JPG bryce 2012 102.JPG bryce 2012 048.JPG bryce 2012 111.JPG bryce 2012 007.JPG
个人分类: 杂谈|7385 次阅读|6 个评论
分享 中国记忆-2012
热度 12 mayimayi 2012-12-24 08:44
中国记忆-2012 小朋友吃西瓜 武汉汉街烟霞桥 萌猪跳水训练 --健美增瘦肉 乡村爱情-- 89 岁的 夫妻, 他们于 1941 年结婚,患难2夫妻 71年 杨钰莹 的西瓜 LV 商店 在上海开张 中国海峡两岸 2012年度汉字 阳光下的一家人 道士 给孩童讲故事, 在北京 河南-街道 游泳健儿 合肥 高三学生 毕业典礼----北大毕业生的 眼泪 日军南京大屠杀 75 周年纪念, 南京 2012-12-13 中国航母 秦岭熊猫 喜欢白雪 最大的花篮 外国美女 中国美女 和 京广高铁 成都出美女--还有银杏 中国高速向前
7066 次阅读|14 个评论


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