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分享 安倍演讲对日本侵略战争的美化
热度 3 岳东晓 2015-8-17 05:13
在各国的压力下,安倍晋三在日本投降70周年的讲话勉强加入了一些类似反省的话。 中文媒体似乎只关注安倍晋三对日本在亚洲的战争的态度,注意到安倍既没有承认日本侵略,也 没有就日本的战争道歉,而只是说在他之前日本已经道歉 。这是一种只见树木、不见森林的分析,完全忽略了日本右翼政权的大前提,那就是其对日本侵略战争的道义性美化。 安倍晋三的演讲一开场即提到,100年前面对西方殖民主义,“日俄战争是对从亚洲到非洲的殖民地人民的鼓舞” (” The Japan-Russia War gave encouragement to many people under colonial rule from Asia to Africa.“) 。安倍的历史回顾从日俄战争(1904)开始,通过日俄战争把日本定性为挑战西方殖民主义的、亚洲人民的灯塔。完全不提日本在日俄战争之前对琉球(1879)、朝鲜与中国(1894)的侵略战争与屠杀,包括侵占并殖民琉球、朝鲜与台湾,以及后来日本与西方一道侵略中国(1900)。这种历史割裂是欺诈性的,因为如果提到日本之前对亚洲的侵略与殖民,那么所谓日本军国主义带领亚洲人挑战西方的谎言就无法成立。 在提到918事变后日本的对外战争时,安倍着重讲到的是日本军人在”忧虑国家前途与期望家庭幸福”中阵亡(” on the battlefields worrying about the future of their homeland and wishing for the happiness of their families“) ,日本东京等地遭受的轰炸,以及广岛、长崎日本平民遭到原子弹“无情的“轰击。提及中国等国时,安倍晋三轻描淡写:”众多无辜平民成为战斗的牺牲者” (” numerous innocent citizens suffered and fell victim to battles“)。安倍完全忽略了日军在非战斗情况下蓄意屠杀平民、强暴妇女的罪行。 与那些自作多情的解读不同,安倍晋三完全没有承认日军强征慰安妇是的罪恶,而只是说"不能忘记有后方女性的荣誉与尊严受到损伤“ (" We must never forget that there were women behind the battlefields whose honour and dignity were severely injured.") 。 安倍强调,日本人口 80% 出生于战后,日本必须不能让子孙后代生来就得道歉。安倍完全忽略了日本新一代否定日本战争罪行、美化其父辈、祖辈罪行的做法,等同于继承发扬军国主义罪恶。 在演讲最后,安倍把日本的过去总结成”国际秩序的挑战者“(” We will engrave in our hearts the past, when Japan ended up becoming a challenger to the international order.“),等于重申日本发动战争是对西方殖民主义的挑战。对未来的日本,安倍称”将高举积极奉献和平的旗帜,为世界和平与繁荣做出更大的贡献“ (” hoist the flag of “ Proactive Contribution to Peace ,” and contribute to the peace and prosperity of the world more than ever before.“)。 日本新安保法已经授权日军对他国进行抢先打击,日本” 积极奉献和平”的新政策对中国构成的威胁不亚于当年的“大东亚共荣圈”。 安倍演讲日官方英文版: http://japan.kantei.go.jp/97_abe/statement/201508/0814statement.html r of Japan
个人分类: 中日关系|9636 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 【随意随拍】Happiness Is The Key
热度 13 随意风 2014-1-8 06:23
【随意随拍】Happiness Is The Key
圣诞 , 新年的长假又很快过去了 . 放假前就对自己说 , 这次一定得过一个完全属于自己的假日 . 于是早早的推掉了几乎所有的应酬 , 不再象以前那样走东家串西家 , 只是静静的躲在家里 , 每天睡到自然醒 , 然后做做自己想做的事情 , 或干脆什么也不做 , 无拘无束 , 自由自在的日子 , 真好 . 假日里做的最有趣的事 , 就是疯狂下载了太多太多的超清版的古典音乐 , 电影 , 芭蕾等 , 收集到了不同乐队 , 不同年份 , 不同指挥的演奏版本 , 还第一次看到了小提琴家帕尔曼 (Itzhak Perlman) 指挥的交响音乐会贝多芬专场 . 每当猫在沙发里静静聆听 , 细细品味时 , 心里充满的是欢喜 , 无所事事的日子其实很不错 . 新的一年里 , 祝朋友们 Good Good Study, Day Day Happy. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9440876/SYF_H_M.mp3
11890 次阅读|68 个评论
分享 (原创)什么是幸福 ( What is happiness?) (中英双语)
水影儿 2013-10-28 11:39
眼下我正在上一门英文写作课,在老师的耐心指导下,我写出了第一篇英文作文。 祝大家都幸福快乐!博主问候珍珠湾的所有好友们! (原创)什么是幸福 ( What is happiness?) (中英双语) Many writers have talked about what happiness is so far. “Happiness depends upon ourselves”, “The purpose of our lives is to be happy “, are two quotes about happiness by Aristotle and Dalai Lama, respectively. Answers about happiness even vary among the ordinary people as well. Last year, CCTV, the top TV station in China, performed a random street survey for happiness. As expected, Chinese citizens gave many different views on the happiness, depending on their social ranks. In my opinion, happiness is a feeling of joy and love in my heart. It is a moment when I have no worries and fears in the living environment and my personal life. 许多作家都谈过什么是幸福。“幸福在于我们自己”“我们生活的目的就是为了幸福“,分别出自亚里士多德和达赖喇嘛之口。即使在普通人看来,关于幸福的定义也大不一样。去年,中国头号电视台CCTV就幸福问题随机采访过街头行人。如其所料,根据社会地位的不同,普通中国公民对幸福的看法也各持己见。在我看来,幸福是我内心的喜乐和爱意,是我不为生存环境和个人生活而担忧的那个时刻。 Safe living environment and safe food mean a lot to me in term of happiness. Howard County, the place I am living now, has been listed as one of the most suitable places in USA for living. The beautiful lake, birds, ducks, boats and pleasant residents in the local park always cheer me up whenever I have a walk there. No gun shooting and no air pollution make me worry nothing about my living environment in this safe county. Meanwhile, the safe and health food in the local store is my daily blessing, compared to the daily food in my home country where fake and poisonous food is not rare. 安全的生存环境和食物,对我的幸福感至关重要。我现在居住的Howard County, 多次被列为美国最适合居住的地方之一。美丽的湖畔,飞鸟,野鸭,小船,还有快乐的居民们,总会让在公园散步的我感到非常喜悦。这里没有枪击和环境污染,在这个安全的郊区里,我不会为生存环境担忧。同时,当地商店里安全而健康的食物,则是我每日生活的祝福。在我的祖国,伪劣食品并不罕见。 I am also feeling very happy about my personal life. After over twenty years of marriage with my spouse, I am very pleased with my family life. Although I am a full time mom for many years, I am not doing chores alone by myself. My spouse is always willing to help me to take care of kids and gardening, etc. Being an oncologist, my spouse also provides the family with a decent income, which allows us to travel worldwide. Disneyland, Florida beach, Paris museum, and trip to China every other year, give me the feeling of happiness. 对我的个人生活,我也感到知足长乐。经历二十多年的婚姻之后,我对家庭生活很满意。尽管我多年做全职妈妈,但我并不是一人独揽家务。我的丈夫总是自愿帮我照顾孩子,也承担像割草这样的家务。身为肿瘤医生,他的收入可以允许我们一家四处旅游。迪斯尼乐园,巴黎博物馆,每隔一年回国一次,给了我幸福快乐的感觉。 In addition to the daily life, routine church life is the other source of my inner peace and joy. Every Sunday, I go to church with my children to worship my belief. The beautiful music, holy songs and nice people in the church fill my heart with a joy from the above world. God’s words are the best food for my spirit growth. Sometimes I serve as a volunteer to babysit the little kids in the church. Baby’s smiling is like sunshine to brighten my heart very much. I also enjoy being an editor for the church journal by working with the other people together to spread church news and God’s words to both believers and non-believers. 除了日常生活,常规的教会生活则是我内心安静和快乐的另外一个源泉。每周日,我会为了信仰和我的孩子们去教会。教会中美妙的音乐,圣歌和友善的人们,让我的心中充满了来自属天的快乐。上帝的话语是我精神成长的最佳食物。有时候,我在教会中会做志愿者照顾婴儿,孩子们的笑脸像阳光一样照亮我心。我也很喜欢和教会的同工一起办杂志,将神的话语传给所有人。 In the movie “Happiness” we watched in the class, people from around the world talk about happiness in their own language and culture. In my view, everyone has his/her own sense of happiness regardless of their income, race and social rank. Happiness cannot be copied from each other and it is a personal feeling in our heart. Based on my own life experience, I reason that happiness not only comes from material satisfaction but also depends on spiritual joy. 我们在课堂上观看的电影“幸福”中,世界各地的人民都用他们自己的语言和文化谈论幸福。我觉得,无论收入,种族,社会地位如何,每个人都有自己的幸福观。幸福不可复制,它是我们心中个人的感觉。根据我自己的生活经历,我认为幸福不仅来自于物质满足,幸福也依赖于精神的快乐。 ============================================================================================== 上面是我写的英文作文,作文内容是有字数限制的。今天老师给了我95分。哇,高兴,我从来没得过95分的作文。我把它翻译出来,和大家共享我的幸福观。未经允许,谢绝平媒用稿。 10/21/13 11:32PM
个人分类: 学习写作|7186 次阅读|0 个评论


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