

分享 张煜全 翻译Geary法案
MingHao 2024-5-8 11:16
张煜全(1879-1953),字昶云,广东南海人。早年就读于福州英华书院、香港皇仁书院、北洋大学堂,后赴日留学,在日本东京帝国大学学习政治学并肄业。在日期间,倾向革命,与孙中山、梁启超等相过从。1901年8月,入美国加尼福利亚大学。1903年获得法学士学位。1904年在耶鲁大学获得法学硕士学位。1904-1906年, ...
个人分类: 华人历史|76 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Oscar TANG
MingHao 2024-5-8 10:33
adversity makes character nothing is like hunger to motivate you Rectory2 years https://www.rectoryschool.org/ Andover "An Andover Life" captures Oscar Tang's journey from China to the United States and, ultimately, Andover. The film, documenting the life of l ...
个人分类: 族裔自信文化自信|82 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The Gilded Age reality tour
MingHao 2024-5-8 09:55
All 3 of these photos show the same address: 857 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, NY. The first house was built in the 1880s, then demolished to make way for a new house in the 1900s, which gave way to this high rise in the 1960s. The Harkness Mansion, Fifth Avenue and 75th Street, NYC. ( ...
个人分类: American Art (History)|85 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Met Classic Building
MingHao 2024-5-8 09:49
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park opposite East 82nd Street, New York City, May 11, 1891. The original building of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which opened in 1880, was a red-brick and stone structure designed by architects Calvert Vaux and Jacob Wrey Mould. The photo indicates that thi ...
个人分类: American Art (History)|70 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 林肯纪念碑
MingHao 2024-5-8 02:53
个人分类: American Art (History)|103 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 DC华盛顿纪念碑的建造
MingHao 2024-5-8 02:46
1848国庆日奠基 LAY Corner Stones https://www.nps.gov/wamo/learn/historyculture/monumentconstruction.htm https://washington.org/DC-guide-to/washington-monument
个人分类: American Art (History)|111 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 1901年11月 旧金山“排华法大会”胜利闭幕
MingHao 2024-5-7 22:19
1901年11月21-21 旧金山“排华法大会”胜利召开,闭幕。 来自加州各地3000名代表一致通过决议誓将排华进行到底! 如果没有1964年平权法案,白人至上怎能偃旗息鼓? 1964年美国族裔平等的最重大里程碑(继废除奴隶制后),分水岭。 ...
个人分类: 华人历史|104 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The Real Chinese In America
MingHao 2024-5-7 21:59
https://www.amazon.com/Real-Chinese-America-J-Tow/dp/1016948034/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1KLJSKJ1CG58Sdib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.SbbW4LYgPD3Qk-39qurqTOk63nFlrBGuZx_G29xN3j1VeiyQBv5V8V78FWbkbh668HYWH9iocQsMX-NHEw6wyOXTMjOQHOxYUV9x6Bnmq4hPxn-xnP9s_dYz36IDkWzd9YRPnMn8sgRDwDL88pi0AYkdw0pRWkV-xohJFtQop1pu-db5 ...
个人分类: 华人历史|117 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 1901年11月 旧金山“排华法大会”
MingHao 2024-5-7 21:51
排华法1882年,到了1892年过期,议员们不仅延长了该法,还加上 办理良民证否则遣返的法律。1902年,Geary Act 到期。 之前两年旧金山市政府紧锣密鼓 积极备战 绝不能让这“胜利成果”过期,要继续清洗话华人,于是召开了这个 排华法大会 造势联合行动誓将排华进行到底 In the Senate of the United States, February 13, ...
个人分类: 华人历史|101 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 反华是最好的助选兴奋剂
MingHao 2024-5-7 21:40
James P. Booth Board of Supervisors On March 18, 1907, as part of the San Francisco graft trials , 16 of the 18 supervisors confessed before a grand jury to receiving money from corrupt political boss Abe Ruef . In exchange for their testimony, "they were promised co ...
个人分类: American Art (History)|102 次阅读|0 个评论


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