Google 终于实现了他们的承诺·,把它们的数据中心大门打开,让人们看看Google 这个地球上最强大的计算机服务器网络 的数据中心是怎样的 .从这几张图片可以看到 Google 分布在全球的8个数据中心,他们分布在:美国. 芬兰. 比利时 香港 台湾 新加坡.智利。
Google Data Centre, Georgia: Thousands of metres of pipe line the inside of Google's data centres. They paint them bright colors not only because it's fun, but also to designate which one is which. The bright pink pipe in this photo transfers water from the row of chillers (the green units on the left) to a outside cooling tower. Image: Google
来源:AP, News Limited Network October 18, 2012