PW, you are right. You clearly have read Ping Fu's pages 151 to 156, where she says exactly that. As you know, Herbert Edelsbrunner pioneered computational geometry and alpha shapes, and when he and Ping Fu, his wife, took their life savings to invest to start their company, they hired two technical students to turn his algorithms into software products: Mike Facello and Dmitry Nekhayev, who still work at Geomagic. You could ask them about her understanding of geometry, but I think that misses the point. Herbert Edelsbrunner didn't want to deal with raising money and answering the phone. As Ping Fu says, "He had depth and I had breadth. He was the mastermind behind the technology and I focused on developing the applications and markets. ...Although we used Herbert's mathematical insights and elegant algorithms to build our software at the beginning, it soon became clear that he wasn't interested in the business issues."
Thank you for pointing out what the real subject of Ping Fu's book is--how to weave advanced science and mathematics into the fabric of a company, and how, often, the science and technology is the easy part. Believe me, Steve Jobs never understood the fine points of computer networks or computer languages---we used to tease him that he couldn't spell TCP/IP---but he was a genius at forming a business based on products that used the most advanced technology. You'd be amused: in the very early days, Steve Jobs insisted on using Berkeley's IEEE standard floating point arithmetic, on the first Macintosh, in 1984, because it was standard....and Cray never did. So the little Macintosh would get correct answers on complicated physics algorithms, and Cray would get different answers on the same software.

这是 John Gage 在 Amazon 书评中的回复,其实他是支持傅苹的。但他在这里透露了一个重要信息,那就是那个 3D 公司 Geomagic 是建立在傅苹前夫Herbert Edelsbrunner的算法和专利之上的。如果没有Herbert Edelsbrunner,傅苹则什么也不是。仅仅是因为Herbert Edelsbrunner不想干那些事务性的工作,公司让傅苹来打理了。她前夫在时,其公司被 Inc. 杂志选为发展最快的小公司之一。估计其公司能够集资很大程度也是靠她前夫的名气及其专利。就在他们2008年离婚后不久,于2010年1月上传至 Youtube 的一个视频中傅苹就说缺少好的人才,暗示其公司可能会出售(见:。结果在2012年,公司也确实签约卖了。这也说明傅苹本人没有什么创造力,更没有什么战略眼光,没有她前夫在旁边,她就找不着方向了。
