如果你能找到一個合六為一的朋友,更值得祝賀! 如果你能FINDING一個合六為一的異性朋友,可要請大家吃酒! 以下為轉載 每个人都应该拥有的六种朋友一个乐队、一代伟人需要一群拥有不同天分和能力的成员,我们的朋友圈也是如此。 “有不同种类的朋友很重要,这样你就可以从不同的渠道获得帮助。”临床指导心理医生、积极性心理研究所的创始人苏士 格林(Dr. Suzy Green)博士说到:“他们还能帮助我们拥有对生活的更广阔的视野。” 《幸福密码》的作者及我们的生活导师多.贝托鲁奇十分同意这一观点。 “你需要不同种类的朋友,正如你需要不同种类的食物。不同的朋友有不同的功能,他们通过不同的方法滋养、丰富着我们的生活。” 当许多人都幸运地拥有几个知心的朋友时,其实你的身边还有许多不同类型你值得拥有的朋友。那么,你了解多少呢? 一、比你酷的朋友 世界瞬息万变,有些人就是比我们擅长紧跟这些改变,例如,那些知道没有人会再说'潮流”这个词的人。我们喜欢和他们打交道,因为他们指引着时尚。他们身上到处是时尚的气息。这些人帮你开拓眼界,把你介绍给别的潮人,帮你打破常规,解救自己。“这些人让你看到了你以前不会留心的事情,丰富了你的生活。”贝托鲁奇说到。 二、“时刻准备着”的朋友 我们都知道人们很忙。世界上最令人沮丧的事情莫过于一次又一次调整自己的日程表。大家都需要一个召之即来的朋友,一个说“恩,我马上过来”的朋友。这就是拥有一个你无须提前28天预约而只为喝杯咖啡的好朋友的好处了。这能让人感到轻松(跟这类朋友在一起不可能只是喝喝咖啡)。“他们很随和,不做作,让你的生活过得轻松。任何事情都难不倒他们,他们乐于挑战新事物,一接到通知,他们就会改变原有计划。”格林博士说到。贝托鲁奇也同意这种说法:“他们的热情会感染你,有他们在身边,你总是觉得很开心。” 三、你仰慕的的朋友 欧普拉.温弗瑞曾说:“在你身边的人应该是能提升你的人。”我们都需要过着欧普拉说到的那种生活。这些人能让你成为一个最棒的自己。唯一的缺陷就是有时他们令人气恼,有时又给人力量。格林博士的意见:“如果他们的表现真诚可靠,那么他们才是一个重要的榜样。他们能看到你身上最好的一面,同时对于你的长处及缺陷给予建议。” 我们都喜欢结伴,喜欢同时拥有多个朋友圈子以达到一石二鸟的目的。但是,有时你需要给一个身处事外的能够给你客观意见的朋友。这样的朋友的好处是,你们的友谊可以不围绕你的朋友圈子而存在,“这种友情是你的隐私,不存在于朋友圈里,”贝托鲁奇说到:“这样我们更乐于分享自己的希望、梦想、担忧和顾虑,而不怕在自己不在时被讨论。” 五、十分诚实的朋友 诚实的朋友不会一直说你想要听的话,但是他们肯定会告诉你你需要了解的事情,他们真的关心你。当你身陷危机,需要迅速做决定的时候,他们应该是你的首选。他们让你从一团乱麻中脱身。这种朋友有“评断”的能力,他们是对你实话实说的珍贵的资源,他们会告诉你别人不会告诉你事实或者掩饰的事实。”格林博士说到。但是她提醒到,这种朋友这么做一定是出于良好的目的,确实是为你好的。 六、你了解他更甚于了解自己的朋友 你的生活,有时很善待你,有时则不然。然而这种朋友会站在你现有的工作、感情、其他友人以及你的生活的框架之外来了解你。他们非常了解你,知道你何时长了粉刺,何时换了发型。他们对于你来说很特别,因为他们像家人一样。跟了解你的人在一起感觉很舒服。“在他们面前你无须故作坚强,”贝托鲁奇说到:“他们比你更了解你自己,并且无条件的接受了你。” The original title: a true friend is worth having: everyone should have six friends Just like a band or gang of superheroes needs members who have different talents and powers, a circle of friends should have exactly the same thing. It's important to have diversity and to be able to look for support from a variety of sources. They also help us to keep broader perspective on life。 You need different types of friends in the same way that you need food from different food groups. Different types of friends serve different purposes and nourish and enrich our lives in different ways。 While many of us are lucky to count our real friends on one hand, there are certain types of people it’s good to have around. So, how many do you know? 1. The friend who is cooler than you The world changes quickly and some people are just that little bit better at keeping up with what's hip than we are. Like those friends who know that NO ONE EVER says "hip" any more, for instance. We like to be around these people, because they're a beacon of cool. Cool things just flock to them. 。 These are the people who help you to open your eyes, have a flow-on effect for introducing you to other cool people and help to unstick yourself from the rut that's all too easy to get bogged in. These people enrich your life by exposing you to things that may have otherwise have passed you by。 2. The friend who is up for anything People are busy, we get it. But there's nothing more frustrating than having to reschedule your re-re-re-scheduled catch-up. Everyone needs a friend who you can call at the drop of a hat. A friend who says "hell yeah, I'm up for that". That's why it's good to have a mate who you don't need to issue a 28-day notice to just to meet for a frappuccino. It's refreshing (the friend, that is, not necessarily the frappuccino。) This friend is the flexible, no frills friend who makes your life a breeze. Nothing is ever too hard and they're open to doing new things and changing plans at short notice. Their enthusiasm is contagious and you always have more fun when they are around。 3. The friend who you aspire to be Oprah Winfrey once said: "Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher". And we all need to live life a little bit closer to Oprah. These people challenge you to be the best version of yourself. The only downside is that sometimes they can be infuriating and inspiring in equal measure. This friend is only an important role model if they behave in ways that are authentic and genuine. They will see the best in you and give you important feedback on both your strengths and weaknesses." 4. The friend who doesn't know any of your other friends We like integration. We like killing two birds with one stone by catching up with several groups of friends at once. But there are times when you need to make an S.O.S call to a friend who is completely uninvolved and removed from a situation who can offer objective advice so it a bonus that your friendship exists without orbiting around your other ones. There is a level of privacy to this friendship that doesn't exist in friendship circles. It will be easier to share some of your hopes and dreams, fears and concerns knowing that they are not going to be discussed when you're not around。 5. The friend who is painfully honest An honest friend will not always tell you what you want to hear, but they'll certainly tell you what you need to know like if he/she is really that into you. When you've got a crisis on your hands or need to make a quick decision they are your go-to. They're also there to keep you away from mixing paisleys and stripes. This type of friend has the strength of feedback and is a pearl who will tell it to you straight when others won't or will sugarcoat things at the very least. This friend is someone who does it with good intentions and for your own benefit。 6. The friend you've known than you've known yourself History. Sometimes it works to your advantage, other times it doesn't. This is that friend who sees you out of the context of your job, your relationship, your other friends and your life as it is now. This is the friend who knew you when you had pimples and a bowl cut. There is something special about this person because they feel like home. It's nice and comforting to be around someone who has known you forever. This is a friend you never have to put on a brave face for. They know you better than you know yourself and accept you unconditionally. https://article.yeeyan.org/view/351389/329601https://edu.sina.com.cn/en/2012-11-06/100170285.shtml (轉載) |
铜山: 电脑里会跑出来一个~~~
wx1wx2: 別別別,天上不會掉下個寶哥哥的
铜山: 俺属于懒惰型的,只呆在家里跟电脑玩儿~~
mayimayi: 在桃花源里 找
wx1wx2: 比隨緣積極多了,有進步,但遠遠不夠。“跟着感觉走”仍然是一種不負責任的被動行為,太被動啦!要像獵犬那樣嗅像蒼鷹那樣搜感覺,一旦發覺,秒不容緩... ...
铜山: 换句话说,跟着感觉走吧~~
wx1wx2: 隨緣?緣不存在!萬萬不可 誤了自個。
铜山: 一切随缘啦~
人間的盒子: 六个还是六种啊,我反正找不到比我酷的了,想都不想。
方枪枪: 真的受不了你们,我这,到底删不删啊。删了是不是就不跟我做朋友了
Chi202: 你是六合彩?
Chi202: 你是六合彩?
人間的盒子: 六个还是六种啊,我反正找不到比我酷的了,想都不想。
方枪枪: 真的受不了你们,我这,到底删不删啊。删了是不是就不跟我做朋友了
兔崽子: 屌丝都是我的朋友
wx1wx2: 一言為定,我的五哥!
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