你是猪(珠) 一眼看透, 你是猪! 你扭捏作态, 翩若惊鸿, 也逃不出本屠夫的 火眼金睛! 你脑满肠肥, 皮肉撑得油光水滑。 暴露了你这头猪! 你这尤物, 一日不见, 如隔三秋。 梦里常见, 你在开水里翻滚! 以上是本刀参加翻译大赛的帖子! 附:ridgewalker 原文 You're A Pearl One glance was enough for me to realize that you're a pearl Slim and tall you walk by so swiftly. Yet I was captured by exuberance, and confidence You're sheer elegance O, those curves they're mesmerizing. Your figure is so full that the silk-smooth dress is stretched to its max Now you can see how I figured out you're a pearl I come here often to marvel at the pearl that sweetens my dreams and glisters in the water |
石一刀: 啊呜一口就吞下
石竹苑: 娃哈哈
石一刀: 葱多,没办法哇。
石一刀: 泪奔
婉儿: 要不怎么说你傻呢?
石一刀: 学了,你俩搞滴珍珠霜美容广告。
石一刀: 就俺一人不知道袅
婉儿: 俺俩的小秘密就是要让全天下的人知道!
婉儿: 刀狼, 又有人给我写情书了, 去学学吧!
bluemei: 扔个鸡蛋给你补补。
路不平: 你怎可一下子暴露的那么葱奋
石一刀: 嘘~~~~~~~~~~~别把按俩的小秘密泄露
石一刀: 嘘~~~~~~~~~~~别把按俩的小秘密泄露
婉儿: 你好笨啊!
婉儿: 给我灌水呀!
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