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岳东晓 -- 珍珠湾全球网 ... http://ydx.zzwave.com [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS] 岳东晓 -- 珍珠湾全球网


--联邦法官..可以看看..昨天,华盛顿区联邦法官 ROBART 暂时中止川普禁令。暂时中止令不仅是适用于华盛顿州,而是全美国范围适用(“on a nationwide basis”)。读者可以参见文末的法庭命令。一个地区的联邦法官可以在全美范围内中止美国总统的行政命令,美国的三权分 -- 华盛顿州对川普诉讼听证录
2017-2-5 11:27 回复|
Stat..华盛顿区联邦法官暂时中止川普禁令。法制国家的治理者必须懂法。听证录像。 -- 华盛顿州对川普诉讼听证录
2017-2-5 05:56 回复|
川普孙女唱 新年快乐(中文) https://twitter.com/IvankaTrump/status/827132690910556160
2017-2-3 11:04 回复|
2017-2-2 14:34 回复|
2017-2-2 14:11 回复|
2017-2-2 12:08 回复|
  • 岳东晓: 现在把责任推到一个高中生身上了。 (2-1 06:59)
  • 岳东晓: 其现在的观点与其16岁时的观点完全一致。 (2-1 07:00)
2017-1-31 13:09 回复|
川普推特:  The joint statement of former presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham is wrong - they are sadly weak on immigration. The two Senators should focus their energies on ISIS, illegal immigration and border security instead of always looking to start World War III.
2017-1-30 14:54 回复|
刚看到川普的幕僚谈起机场被扣押的人,说这些人会被 disposed of。
2017-1-30 02:36 回复|
http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/28/politics/donald-trump-travel-ban/index.html Friday night, DHS arrived at the legal interpretation that the executive order restrictions applying to seven countries -- Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Yemen -- did not apply to people who with lawful permanent residence, generally referred to as green card holders. The White House overruled that guidance overnight, according to officials familiar with the rollout. That order came from the President's inner circle, led by Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon.
2017-1-29 12:44 回复|
  • 岳东晓: 二战期间,日本人(包括美国本土出生的日本裔美国公民)均被强制迁徙至集中地带。 (1-29 12:33)
  • 岳东晓: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2017/images/01/28/darweesh.v.trump_decision.and.order.document-3.pdf  联邦法院命令 (1-29 12:47)
  • 岳东晓: 另一名 法官 Thomas S. Zilly 发布类似禁令 (1-29 13:00)
  • 岳东晓: http://www.seattlepi.com/news/article/Atty-1-Somali-national-turned-away-at-Seattle-10891684.php (1-29 13:02)
2017-1-29 12:31 回复|
川普的谈判技能。川普推特:墨西哥如果不出钱造墙,墨西哥总统就不必来了吧。墨西哥总统:我决定不来了。川普:(没招)。川普发言人: 墨西哥不出钱,我征 20% 关税。美国经济学家:征20%关税,那不是让美国消费者买单吗???
2017-1-29 06:48 回复|
http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1028568.shtml [China has enough determination and strength to make sure that his rabble rousing will not succeed. Unless Washington plans to wage a large-scale war in the South China Sea, any other approaches to prevent Chinese access to the islands will be foolish. The US has no absolute power to dominate the South China Sea. Tillerson had better bone up on nuclear power strategies if he wants to force a big nuclear power to withdraw from its own territories. Probably he just has oil prices and currency rates in his mind as former ExxonMobil CEO. Tillerson's statements regarding the islands in the South China Sea are far from professional. If Trump's diplomatic team shapes future Sino-US ties as it is doing now, the two sides had better prepare for a military clash.
  • 岳东晓: 下面的评论相当有趣。 (1-27 03:29)
2017-1-27 03:27 回复|
2017-1-27 02:53 回复|
中国增列大批禁向朝鲜出口物.  http://news.ifeng.com/a/20170125/50629327_0.shtml
2017-1-26 05:25 回复|
川普跟 CNN 会进行四年大战! http://money.cnn.com/2017/01/21/media/sean-spicer-press-secretary-statement/index.html
2017-1-22 09:59 回复|
2017-1-13 10:59 回复|
2017-1-8 11:06 回复|
--做人要老..方舟子 ..在这篇 《》里,我给方舟子提出了一个警告,要他删除之前的一条推特。方舟子回应说,那是转帖夜夜城刘牧野的东西。方舟子还说,我下面的文字诽谤了他,要我删除、并向他道歉。上次方舟子在推特跟疑似杨文彬的马甲来往,我就诚恳地劝导方:【不要整天跟南化工学院这个层次的在 -- 方舟子的诚意判断
2017-1-6 15:19 回复|
-被我起诉的被告都是些做人不老实的。做人要老实,别人没惹你,你不要去用虚假的东西去诋毁攻击他人。攻击诋毁了他人,警告你还没有用,你还要变本加厉继续诋毁,那么好,没有必要在网上吵闹弄得不好看,法治社会,大家都依法办事。有道理法院去讲。针对 刘牧野/Trigma -- 做人要老实,我给方舟子的
2017-1-6 04:35 回复|


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