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热度 4已有 7925 次阅读2014-10-2 04:34 |个人分类:地缘政治|系统分类:随笔评论| difference, military, Chinese, against, towards, military, military, military, military


The British Empire's policy towards colonial territories has been consistent over the centuries. They ruled HK much like they dominated India. The only difference was that PRC had a powerful military ready to impose the will of the Chinese nation.

Tear gas is frequently used in the U.S. against protesters. HK people are not above the law.

Check out the Occupy Wall Street videos.

If America is the beacon of democracy and model of the rule of law, HK must learn from America.

The New York police applied sanitation and public safety laws and forcefully removed the occupiers.

There is no need for bloodshed.

No one is talking about firing live ammunition like the Kent State Massacre, the American experience in dealing with the OWS movement is very valuable. You can enforce law without bloodshed.

When citizens willfully violate the law, they must be held accountable in accordance of the law.  HK is degenerating into a lawless society.

No one is talking about using the PLA to quell the occupy movement.

The U.S. is the first democracy since the Roman Republic. Every nation should learn from the US if they aspire for democracy .

And we learned from the US that democracy comes hand in hand with strict enforcement of the law.

Freedom does not equate lawlessness.

Freedom requires social responsibility, including the respect for the law.

When the dignity of the law is tainted by mob like movement, what you get is not freedom but chaos and disorder.

There are a lot of human factors in a mass movement. The purpose is never simple, the motive never pure. In the end, someone is bound to lose cool when patience runs out and passions reign high. Rarely we see a mass movement produce positive results. For that you need either a revolution or a gradual reform.








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回复 中西部网客 2014-10-2 10:52
一些港人做了殖民地150年的二等公民,洋奴心态已经根深地固,洋人面前阿谀奉承,奴颜卑膝, 居然会要求英人回来,他等继续做奴才; 以前对大陆人则有洋奴买办高人一等的心态,如今在富起来/站起来的大陆人面前,宛如被边缘化的破落户,不能调整保持平常心态,优越感荡然无存,心态极度失落错乱。


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