

分享 The US Expatriation Act of 1907 -Repealed in 1922 by Cable Act
MingHao 2023-1-1 11:21
The US Expatriation Act of 1907 stripped women of American Citizenship when they married a Chinese Man. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2020/08/13/expatriation-act-citizenship-women-suffrage/?fbclid=IwAR2SKoip2T8drgrkEh5QPHDp_OcRn5nfktHSw85IJNy4BT1E5J8gZM99euA https://www.speaking ...
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分享 Chinese in El Paso
MingHao 2023-1-1 11:05
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分享 全美唐人街
MingHao 2022-12-26 05:31
by Doug Chan Results from a short roadtest of ChatGPT: A. Here is a list of Chinatowns in the United States and the approximate date of their establishment: 1. San Francisco Chinatown - founded in the 1850s 2. New York City Chinatown - founded in the 1870s 3. Los Angeles Chinatown - fo ...
个人分类: 华人历史|922 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 “Chinese junk ‘Amoy’ in Richardson Bay - Sausalito
MingHao 2022-12-18 13:20
“Chinese junk ‘Amoy’ in Richardson Bay - Sausalito. Photographer unknown. A report in July 1897 gave the following description of the Chinese shrimpers: “The … boat is of Chinese make and pattern and is 40 feet long by 10 feet on the beam, it carries a 30-foot mast, which bears a typica ...
个人分类: 华人历史|1079 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 位为黄龙旗浴血奋战的美国勇士——Philo Norton McGiffin
MingHao 2022-12-18 11:50
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/k66BpUqK9xvDjbBeltkPdQ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philo_McGiffin https://artsandculture.google.com/story/the-story-of-philo-norton-mcgiffin-hk-maritime-museum/iAWxKZxNvwZJKQ?hl=en http://www.navyandmarine.org/ondeck/1894yalubattle_mcgiffin.htm https ...
个人分类: 华人历史|1014 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Violent Expulsion of Chinese from Eureka Humbolt County CA
MingHao 2022-12-18 03:19
Blood on Gold Mountain Gold's book Forbidden Citizen details the political players and strategy which got the CEA passed as a deal between California politicians like Stanford and the South after the Emancipation Proclamation.
个人分类: 华人历史|958 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 梳理清末驻美武官谭锦镛自杀真相以及案件处理结果
MingHao 2022-12-17 14:15
https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv15359436?from=search 随后我从California Digital Newspaper Collection (ucr.edu)中收集了 当时的报道(1903-1904)整理出了死亡原因真相以及美国官方对涉事警察的处理(英语水平有限 大多来自机翻) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akY3OBkNtTk 谭锦镛事件真相梳理 ...
个人分类: 华人历史|1151 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 最早来美国的几批中国人
MingHao 2022-12-13 02:03
范罢览画像 霍灵斯华斯(Levi Hollingsworth) 向大陆议会提交的申请书   19世纪40年代,随着加利福尼亚等地金矿的发现,中国劳工开始移民美国,加入了西海岸淘金者的行列。到1851年底,这样的淘金客人数已多达25000人左右。在这股来势汹涌的移民潮之前,有没有中国人踏上美利坚的土地呢?也还是 ...
个人分类: 华人历史|1028 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Marysville Chinese and before Chinese
MingHao 2022-12-11 14:07
https://chineseamericanmuseum.com/marysvillechinatown/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVAP5gBkB8g
个人分类: 华人历史|1199 次阅读|0 个评论

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