No nation can afford to let go its high ideals. The founders
of the American Republic asserted the principle that all men are created equal,
and made this fair land a refuge for the whole world. Its manifest destiny,
therefore, is to be the teacher and leader of nations in liberty. Its supremacy
should be maintained by good faith and righteous dealing, and not by the
display of selfishness and greed. But now, looking at the actions of this
generation of Americans in their treatment of other races, who can get rid of
the idea that the Nation, which Abraham Lincoln said was conceived in liberty,
waxed great through oppression, and was really dedicated to the proposition
that all men are created to prey on one another? How far this Republic has
departed from its high ideal and reversed its traditionary policy may be seen
in the laws passed against the Chinese. Chinese immigrants never claimed to be
any better than farmers, traders, and artisans. If, on the one hand, they are
not princes and nobles, on the other hand, they are not coolies and slaves.
They all came voluntarily, as their consular papers certified, and their
purpose in leaving their home and friends was to get honest work. They were
told that they could obtain higher wages in America than elsewhere, and that
Americans were friendly to the Chinese and invited them to come. In this they
were confirmed by certain provisions in the treaties made between China and the
United States, by which rights and privileges were mutually guaranteed to the
citizens of either country residing in the other. No one can deny that the
United States made all the advances, and that China came forth from her
seclusion because she trusted in American honor and good faith.
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