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已有 344 次阅读2024-12-3 02:34 |个人分类:华人历史|系统分类:转帖-知识

during Civil war, in order to recruit foreign born serivcemen, they offer American citizenship
ChatGPT said:

Yes, during the American Civil War (1861–1865), both the Union and Confederate forces sought to recruit foreign-born individuals to bolster their ranks. For the Union Army, offering the prospect of American citizenship was one of the key incentives for foreign-born recruits. This was part of a broader strategy to attract immigrants, who made up a significant portion of the population, particularly in Northern states.

How Citizenship Was Offered

The Union passed legislation and implemented policies that provided a streamlined path to citizenship for those who served in the military:

  1. The Act of July 17, 1862: This federal law allowed non-citizens who served honorably in the Union Army to be granted expedited citizenship. Normally, the naturalization process required a five-year residency, but military service could shorten this to as little as one year.

  2. Military Service as a Qualification: Immigrant soldiers were often sworn in as citizens during or shortly after their service. Military courts and commanders sometimes conducted naturalization ceremonies to expedite the process.

Why This Was Effective

  1. Large Immigrant Population: In the mid-19th century, millions of immigrants, particularly from Ireland, Germany, and Scandinavia, had arrived in the United States. Many were eager for citizenship and viewed military service as a means to achieve it.

  2. Patriotic and Economic Incentives: Immigrants often saw service as a way to demonstrate loyalty to their new country, secure economic opportunities, and gain social acceptance.

  3. Union Recruitment Goals: The Union faced challenges in maintaining sufficient troop levels during the war, making recruitment incentives like this essential.

As a result, tens of thousands of foreign-born men joined the Union Army. By some estimates, nearly a quarter of the Union forces were immigrants. The Confederate Army also had foreign-born soldiers, but the Union's use of citizenship as a recruiting tool was more formalized and widespread.

You said:
can you list some Chinese service men
ChatGPT said:

During the American Civil War, a small but notable number of Chinese immigrants served in both the Union and Confederate armies. While Chinese immigrants were not present in large numbers compared to European immigrants, their contributions are well-documented and remarkable given the challenges they faced, such as racism and exclusion from many aspects of American society.

Notable Chinese Servicemen in the Civil War:

  1. Edward Day Cohota (Union Army)

    • Background: Edward Day Cohota was a Chinese immigrant brought to the U.S. as a child by a sea captain. He enlisted in the Union Army in 1864 and served with the 23rd Massachusetts Infantry.
    • Service: Cohota fought in several battles and served honorably. After the war, he continued his military career and attempted to secure full citizenship but faced legal barriers due to the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.
  2. Joseph Pierce (Union Army)

    • Background: Born in China and adopted by an American sea captain, Joseph Pierce grew up in Connecticut.
    • Service: Pierce enlisted in the 14th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry and fought in major battles, including Gettysburg, where his regiment played a critical role.
    • Recognition: Pierce became one of the best-documented Chinese-American soldiers of the Civil War.
  3. Augustus Frank Chong (Union Navy)

    • Background: Chong was a Chinese immigrant who served as a steward in the Union Navy.
    • Service: He worked on several Union ships and contributed to naval operations, though records of specific engagements are limited.
  4. Edward S. Salomon (Union Army)

    • Background: Salomon was not Chinese but commanded units where Chinese soldiers served. This highlights the inclusion of Asian soldiers in some Union regiments.

Challenges for Chinese Servicemen

  • Legal and Social Barriers: Despite their service, Chinese soldiers often faced discrimination. Laws like the Chinese Exclusion Act later denied many of them the citizenship rights promised during the war.
  • Recognition: Chinese servicemen were often overlooked in historical records due to their small numbers and systemic racism.


The participation of Chinese-Americans in the Civil War is a testament to their commitment to the United States, even during a time of widespread prejudice. Modern scholars and organizations continue to work on uncovering and honoring their contributions.








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