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美国华人选举权 艰辛路

已有 269 次阅读2024-11-28 13:02 |个人分类:华人历史|系统分类:转帖-知识

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA) profoundly impacted many marginalized groups in the United States, including Chinese Americans, by removing barriers to their voting rights and ensuring greater electoral access. Here's how:

1. Prohibition of Literacy Tests

  • Before the VRA, many states employed literacy tests and similar discriminatory practices to disenfranchise minority voters, including Asian Americans. These tests were often applied subjectively, targeting immigrants and non-English speakers.
  • The VRA banned such tests nationwide, helping Chinese Americans and other Asian immigrants participate in elections without facing arbitrary barriers.

2. Language Access (Amendments in 1975)

  • In 1975, the VRA was amended to include provisions for language minorities. Section 203 required jurisdictions with significant populations of non-English-speaking citizens to provide bilingual ballots, voter materials, and election assistance.
  • This amendment was particularly important for Chinese Americans, many of whom were limited-English proficient. It ensured that they could understand and participate fully in the voting process.

3. Protection Against Discrimination

  • The VRA's broader protections against racial and ethnic discrimination in voting helped safeguard the rights of Chinese Americans. For example, jurisdictions with histories of discriminatory practices could not change voting laws without federal approval (under Section 5, later limited by the 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision).

4. Empowerment Through Civic Participation

  • By addressing institutional barriers, the VRA encouraged political engagement and empowerment among Chinese Americans. Over time, this led to increased voter turnout and the election of Asian American candidates to public office, reflecting their communities' interests.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 and its subsequent amendments thus played a crucial role in ensuring that Chinese Americans—and all minority groups—had an equal voice in the democratic process.

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《1965年选举权法案》(Voting Rights Act of 1965)对包括华裔美国人在内的许多边缘化群体产生了深远影响,通过消除投票权障碍,确保更多人能够公平参与选举。以下是该法案如何帮助华裔美国人获得投票权的具体方式:

1. 废除扫盲测试

  • 在《选举权法案》通过之前,许多州利用扫盲测试等歧视性措施剥夺少数族裔选民的投票权。这些测试通常带有主观性,特别针对移民和非英语母语者。
  • 《选举权法案》全国范围内禁止了此类测试,帮助华裔美国人及其他亚裔移民克服这些人为障碍,更加顺利地参与选举。

2. 语言服务的扩展(1975年修正案)

  • 1975年,《选举权法案》修正案增加了对语言少数群体的保护。根据第203条规定,人口中有限英语能力公民比例较高的地区,必须提供双语选票、选民材料和选举协助。
  • 这项修正案对许多以中文为主的华裔美国人尤为重要,确保他们能够理解选举流程,充分参与民主活动。

3. 防止歧视性措施

  • 《选举权法案》全面禁止种族和民族歧视,保护包括华裔美国人在内的少数族裔的选举权。例如,历史上有歧视性选举措施的地区在修改投票法律时需要联邦政府的批准(第5条规定,尽管在2013年的Shelby County v. Holder 案中受到了限制)。

4. 促进公民参与

  • 通过消除制度性障碍,该法案鼓励了华裔美国人的政治参与。这不仅提高了选民的投票率,还推动更多亚裔美国人参选并当选公职,代表他们社区的利益。









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