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Gilbert Aspinwall (小罗斯福家族)

已有 11966 次阅读2024-8-27 22:24 |个人分类:鸦片|系统分类:转帖-知识

(Flushing family 2 boys Gilbert , John formed dry good company (opium on Chinese)- William Henry Aspinwall inherited it and build Panama RR with Chinese labores)

儿子Gilbert Aspinwall, 和兄弟  John Aspinwall 办起公司 "Gilbert and John Aspinwall"(opium) was a prominent merchant and ship owner, and served as the director of Eagle Fire Insurance in New York.

Gilbert Aspinwall was involved in the opium trade during the early 19th century. He was part of a prominent American mercantile family that operated in New York City. The Aspinwall family, including Gilbert Aspinwall, was engaged in various trading ventures, including the lucrative opium trade with China.

Gilbert Aspinwall, along with his relatives and business partners, was connected to the trading firm Aspinwall & Howland, which was involved in shipping opium to China during the period when the trade was highly profitable. The opium trade was a significant aspect of American commerce with Asia at the time, and many merchants from New York, Boston, and other cities participated in it.