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已有 444 次阅读2024-3-23 11:16 |个人分类:鸦片|系统分类:转帖-知识

American Industrial Revolution and NEw England Opium merchant

The American Industrial Revolution and the involvement of New England opium merchants are intertwined through historical trade networks and economic activities. Here's a brief overview:

  1. American Industrial Revolution: The American Industrial Revolution, which began roughly in the late 18th century and continued into the 19th century, marked a period of rapid industrialization, technological advancement, and urbanization in the United States. It involved the transition from agrarian and craft-based economies to industrialized economies based on manufacturing, mechanization, and factory production. Industries such as textiles, iron and steel production, transportation (including railroads), and manufacturing of various consumer goods experienced significant growth during this period.

  2. New England Opium Merchants: New England, particularly the port cities of Boston and Salem, played a prominent role in the opium trade during the 19th century. American merchants, including those from New England, were actively involved in the opium trade with China. Opium produced in British-controlled India was smuggled into China in exchange for tea, silk, and other goods. The profits from the opium trade were substantial and contributed to the economic development of New England.

The opium trade was highly profitable for American merchants involved, but it also had significant social and political consequences. The trade contributed to the addiction crisis in China, weakened the Qing Dynasty, and led to the Opium Wars between China and Western powers.

While the American Industrial Revolution and the New England opium trade were separate phenomena, they were both part of the broader economic landscape of the 19th century, characterized by global trade, industrialization, and the pursuit of profit. The profits generated from the opium trade likely contributed to the economic growth and industrial development of New England during this period.








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