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已有 899 次阅读2023-11-5 12:16 |个人分类:华人历史|系统分类:转帖-知识

Chinese Americans joined US army in WW2, how did this help with the naturalization right to Chinese?

Chinese Americans' participation in the United States military during World War II had a significant impact on their naturalization rights and the broader civil rights movement for Chinese immigrants in the United States. Here are several ways in which their service contributed to this cause:

  1. The Magnuson Act of 1943: Before World War II, Chinese immigrants in the United States faced severe restrictions and discriminatory laws, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. However, the United States needed the support of its allies, including China, during the war. In response to this need and as a gesture of goodwill, the U.S. government passed the Magnuson Act of 1943. This law repealed the Chinese Exclusion Act and allowed Chinese immigrants to become naturalized U.S. citizens for the first time in decades. Chinese Americans who served in the military were among the first to benefit from this change.

  2. Public perception and patriotism: Chinese American servicemen and women demonstrated their patriotism and dedication to the United States by enlisting and serving in the military. Their contributions helped change public perceptions of Chinese Americans, who were previously often perceived as foreign and unassimilable. The valor and commitment of Chinese American soldiers helped to counter stereotypes and prejudices.

  3. Legal precedents and advocacy: Chinese American veterans and their families began to advocate for their rights and for equal treatment under the law. Their service and sacrifices were used as a basis for arguing that they should be granted the same rights as other Americans. This advocacy played a crucial role in pushing for more equitable treatment and the eventual repeal of discriminatory laws.

  4. Aiding the civil rights movement: The Chinese American military personnel who returned home after the war continued to advocate for their rights, contributing to the broader civil rights movement in the United States. Their experiences in the military and their fight for equal treatment helped pave the way for other civil rights battles and legislation, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which further dismantled discriminatory policies.

In summary, the service of Chinese Americans in the U.S. military during World War II played a pivotal role in changing the legal and social landscape for Chinese immigrants in the United States. It helped lead to the repeal of discriminatory laws and the granting of naturalization rights, and it contributed to the broader civil rights movement in the United States.



  1. 改变法律政策:在二战之前,美国实行排华法案等一系列歧视性法律,严重限制了华人移民的权利,包括入籍。然而,二战期间,美国需要更多的兵力来支持其军事努力。因此,为了满足这一需求,政府采取了措施来废除排华法案,以吸引更多的华人移民参军。最著名的法律变化是1943年通过的马格诺森法案,该法案废除了排华法案,并允许华人移民有资格申请入籍。

  2. 彰显爱国主义和忠诚度:华人积极参军和在战场上表现出的英勇和忠诚度有助于改变公众对华人的看法。他们的服役表明他们是忠诚的美国公民,愿意为国家的利益而战。这有助于消除了一些负面刻板印象和偏见,将华人置于更有利的地位。

  3. 社会意识的改变:华人的军事服务引发了社会上对他们的认可和尊敬。这些士兵在战场上表现出的勇气和牺牲精神受到广泛赞誉,这有助于树立他们在美国社会中的积极形象,同时也鼓舞了更多的华人参与国家事务。

  4. 民权运动的推动:华人军人和他们的支持者开始倡导平等权利和废除歧视。他们的军事服务为争取更公平待遇提供了强有力的支持,同时也为美国内部的民权运动提供了动力。这一动力延续到了战后,对美国内部的民权立法和社会变革产生了积极的影响。









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