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已有 684 次阅读2023-4-11 10:06 |个人分类:华人历史|系统分类:转帖-知识

广东茶叶商人亚寿Oong ArShowe1847年跟着一个美国家庭来到波士顿,开了个茶叶店。他家在中国种茶叶。

1878年他妻子去世,加上反华风潮骤起,他告老还乡。 在他生活的31年里,他跟着波士顿的成长发家致富。


To calculate the percentage increase in population of Boston from 1847 to 1878, we need to know the population figures for those years.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the population of Boston was:

  • 115,000 in 1847
  • 362,839 in 1870
  • 387,114 in 1875
  • 362,839 in 1878 (the same as in 1870)

Therefore, the population of Boston grew from 115,000 in 1847 to 387,114 in 1875, which is an increase of 237,114. To calculate the percentage increase, we can use the following formula:

Percentage increase = (Increase in population / Initial population) x 100

Plugging in the numbers, we get:

Percentage increase = (237,114 / 115,000) x 100 Percentage increase = 206.14%

Therefore, the population of Boston grew by approximately 206.14% from 1847 to 1878.

To determine the percentage increase in the area of the city of Boston from 1847 to 1878, we need to know the land area figures for those years.

According to the City of Boston's Department of Innovation and Technology, the land area of Boston was:

  • 4,479 acres in 1847
  • 13,882 acres in 1878

Therefore, the land area of Boston grew from 4,479 acres in 1847 to 13,882 acres in 1878, which is an increase of 9,403 acres. To calculate the percentage increase, we can use the following formula:

Percentage increase = (Increase in area / Initial area) x 100

Plugging in the numbers, we get:

Percentage increase = (9,403 / 4,479) x 100 Percentage increase = 209.85%

Therefore, the land area of Boston grew by approximately 209.85% from 1847 to 1878, due to a combination of land filling and annexation.








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