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Mahattan Village 区抗争排华的光荣历史

已有 1247 次阅读2023-3-3 13:37 |个人分类:华人历史|系统分类:转帖-知识

History | The Cooper Union


Eastern Sympathizers Indorse the Frctest3 Against the Geary Bill. New York, Sept. 22.— A large audience gathered at Cooper Union to-night at a mass-meeting held under tho auspices of the Chinese Civil Rights League of New York City to protest against the Geary bill. Wong Chin Foo called the meeting to order and introduced a Chinese physician, Dr. Thorn, who spoke at length on the object of the meeting. "The audience." he said, "were invited to attend as lovers of fair play. The United States had violated its treaty stipulations with China. Uut the Chinese are victims of both great political parlies. They have no vote?. Any anti-Chinese measure will receive the support of p;ther party." He said: "I lived tor years under the Government of Chin*, but had n«ver*seen personal liberty interfered with. Who among his hearers would submit to such tyranny? How does the bill conform to the Declaration of Independence, which says that all men are born equal?" Dr. Williams 11. Derrick, a colored man, Wong Chin Foo, Key. Mr. Clifford, Rev, Mr. Nelson or Brooklyn and Rev. Dr. Baldwin spoke aeainst the bill. David Curtis then read a set of resolutions, which were adopted. They denounce the bill and protest against the enforcement of the measure, and close as follows: We, citizen* of the United States m state* meeting assemb!;d, beraby i e»olve anil declare the said bill Is UHin*trous tulmmau and uncon•titutlonsl, and we hereby pledge ourselves to 6U|ipoit that protest against the Mid bill wbtch lias been entered by the Chinese Civil Biguts League or New York City. During the meeting copies of the National Anti-Chinese Journal, which is devoted to the promulgation of the existing evils and injuries caused by the Chinese among US, were distributed in the corridors. The police did not interfere and the Chinese completely ignored it.









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