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已有 741 次阅读2023-2-25 07:02 |个人分类:美国华人|系统分类:转帖-知识

When China is defined as an enemy, the United States may make mistakes in both its international and domestic policies. Some potential mistakes include:

International Policies:

1. Overreliance on Military Power: The United States may prioritize military solutions over diplomatic or economic ones, 
leading to increased militarization and the potential for armed conflict.

2. Alienation of Allies: The United States may take a unilateral approach to China, which can lead to the alienation of 
key allies who may have different perspectives or priorities.

3. Undermining Global Cooperation: The United States may undermine global cooperation on issues such as climate change 
or public health by taking an adversarial approach to China and refusing to engage in multilateral efforts.

4. Economic Disruption: The United States may impose economic sanctions or trade restrictions on China that can have ripple effects on global supply chains and economies.

Domestic Policies:

1.  Xenophobia and Discrimination: The United States may adopt policies or rhetoric that stigmatize Chinese Americans and Asian Americans,
 leading to increased xenophobia and discrimination.

2. Erosion of Civil Liberties: The United States may implement surveillance or other security measures that erode civil liberties
 and disproportionately target Chinese Americans and other minority communities.

3. Neglecting Domestic Priorities: The United States may prioritize its rivalry with China over 
domestic priorities such as infrastructure, education, or healthcare.

4. Limiting Cultural Exchange: The United States may restrict cultural exchange programs, 
academic exchanges, or other opportunities for cross-cultural understanding, which can limit opportunities for dialogue and cooperation.

Overall, defining China as an enemy can lead to a range of mistakes in both international and domestic policies,
 which can have significant consequences for the United States and the world. It is important to take a nuanced 
and strategic approach to China that prioritizes diplomacy, cooperation, and respect for human rights and civil liberties.








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