I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls 我梦见深居在大理石殿里 with vassels and serfs at my side 有著群臣在侧 奴仆拥绕 and of all who are assembled within those walls 对于身处高墙之内的人们而言 that I was the hope and the pride 我是他们的希望与骄傲 I had riches all too great to count 我有着数不尽的珍财珠宝 and a high ancestral name 以及尊贵的封建称号 But I also dreamt which pleased me most 但我也会梦到那些最让我高兴的 that you loved me still the same 那就是你依然爱我 that you loved me,you loved me still the same 你依然爱我如昔
I dreamt that suitors sought my hand 我梦见求婚者企盼我的纤纤玉指 that knights upon bended knee 骑士们向我屈膝致敬 and with vows no maiden's heart could withstand 那迷人的誓言让任何姑娘都无法不动情 they pledged their faith to me 他们许诺对我忠心不二 And I dreamt that one of that noble host 我还梦见一位高雅的贵族 came forth my hand to claim 翩翩到来 请求我的托付 But I also dreamt which charmed me most 但最让我痴迷的梦 that you loved me still the same 就是你依然爱我 that you loved me,you loved me still the same 你依然爱我如昔 that you loved me,you loved me still the same 依然爱我 一如往昔