RE plagiarism
[email protected] Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 5:40 PM
To: Shi Liu , [email protected], [email protected] March 2011
Dear Shi Liu,
Let me begin by saying that I am in no position to determine whether Dr. Fang plagiarized my work or not, since I cannot read Chinese. The issue of plagiarism must be left to people who can read both languages fluently.
Let me next state that the material that Dr. Fang is accused of plagiarizing was copyrighted. That is to say, it is protected against copying by United States law.
On the matter of whether it is ever permissible to copy someone's writings, United States copyright law is very explicit. One may copy only up to about 200 words, which must be placed in quotation marks and attributed to the original author. More extensive copying, whether in fragments that add up to more than 200 words or as a continuous piece, is explicitly forbidden without obtaining written permission from the author or his publisher. U. S. copyright law does not distinguish between scholarly works and popular ones: the law applies equally to both, since both are considered the fruit of intellectual work. Indeed, I consider it more difficult to write for a general audience than to write for my academic peers since it is much more difficult to communicate clearly to those with less knowledge and training.
If Dr. Fang copied any of my words without putting them in quotation marks and attributing them to me, he is guilty of plaigiarism under U. S. copyright law. If he copied extensively from my work, that is not only illegal in the U. S., but morally inexcusable. To claim as one's own the work of another individual is never morally acceptable in any society of which I am aware. Certainly in the U. S., we kick our students out of classes, and sometimes out of our universities, for such infractions and we often sue authors who engage in copyright infringement.
The legal and moral cases against stealing other people's intellectual work, whether written for academic or popular audiences, are clear. Whether Dr. Fang has done so, as I said above, must be determined by people with the appropriate dual-language qualifications.
Bob Root-Bernstein
Dr. Root-Bernstein :
“There are four primary logical criteria for a theory. It must be (1.a) a simple unifying idea that postulates nothing unnecessary (‘Ocam’s Razor’); (1.b) Logically consistent internally; (1.c) logically falsifiable (i. e., cases must exist in which the theory could be imagined to be invalid); (1.d) clearly limited by explicitly stated boundary conditions so that it is clear whether or not any particular data are or are not relevant to the verification or falsification of the theory.”
Dr. Root-Bernstein:
“Three [four] empirical criteria are of primary importance as well. A theory must (2.a) be empirically testable itself or lead to predictions or retrodictions that are testable; (2.b) actually make verified predictions and/or retrodictions; (2.c) concern reproducible results; (2.d) provide criteria for the interpretation of data as facts, artifacts, anomalies, or as irrelevant.”
Dr. Root-Bernstein:
“Sociological criteria also exist for determining the validity of a theory. A theory must (3.a) resolve recognized problems, paradoxes, and/or anomalies, irresolvable on the basis of preexisting scientific theories; (3.b) pose a new set of scientific problems upon which scientists may work; (3.c) posit a ‘paradigm’ or problem-solving model by which these new problems may be expected to be resolved; (3.d) provide definitions of concepts or operations beneficial to the problem-solving abilities of other scientists.”
Dr. Root-Bernstein:
“Finally, there is a fourth set of theory criteria as well: historical ones. A theory must (4.a) meet or surpass all of the criteria set by its predecessors or demonstrate that any abandoned criteria are artifactual; (4.b) be able to accrue the epistemological status acquired by previous theories through their history of testing—or, put another way, be able to explain all of the data gathered under previous relevant theories in terms either of fact or artifact (no anomalies allowed); (4.c) be consistent with all preexisting ancillary theories that already have established scientific validity.”