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分享 老歌新唱《南泥湾》 黑鸭子风格
热度 7 yuanyuan88 2016-7-27 22:04
我喜欢南泥湾这首歌是因为它是首好听的民歌,但我好像更喜欢重新改编着来唱,偏向于黑鸭子的风格,而不是郭兰英的那种唱法,算是我自己的尝试吧。 Youtube: url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHh4sBgJ73k 优酷:url=http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDczMjI3NzY4.html 这是我从网上找来的关于这首歌的背景。 1941年3月,八路军三五九旅在旅长王震的率领下在南泥湾开展了著名的大生产运动。南泥湾是延安精神的发源地,也是中国农垦事业的发源地。1943年3月,延安文艺界劳军团和鲁艺秧歌队80多人赴南泥湾劳军,萧三、艾青、田方等致慰问词。贺敬之作词,马可谱曲的歌舞《挑花蓝》唱道:“陕北的好江南,鲜花开满山,开满(呀)山;学习那南泥湾,处处是江南,又战斗来又生产,三五九旅是模范”,从此脍炙人口的名歌南泥湾诞生,后经著名歌唱家郭兰英一唱,唱遍了大江南北,唱得家喻户晓。 “如今的南泥湾,与往年不一般”。南泥湾流域面积365平方公里,系丘陵沟壑区,土壤为黄绵土,水稻土,林草覆盖率83%,汾川河起源于南泥湾,水源丰富,是发展农林牧渔的理想地区。现在的南泥湾已集参观、旅游、经济综合开发为一体的多功能的经济、文化重镇。其田园风光,森林景观,文化习俗,革命遗址互相映衬。南泥湾位于西安--黄帝陵--延安--南泥湾--黄河壶口瀑布--西安旅游环线上。是延安旅游名胜景点之一。境内有毛泽东旧居、炮校、九龙泉、南泥湾大生产展览馆等景点供中外人士参观。南泥湾,已成为今天红色旅游的一个诱人的景点。络绎不绝的游客中,有重返旧地的老者,有寻访父辈踪迹的子孙,有海外游人,也有年轻的自驾车白领族和崇尚野外独旅的背包客。 后来我听说了更多有关南泥湾的负面信息,我就不多说了。
个人分类: 民歌民美|6270 次阅读|13 个评论
分享 个人感情高于民族立场是危险的 (回陈营)
岳东晓 2015-10-5 00:33
毛泽东在民族危难之际,能够放弃家人被杀的血仇,建立抗日统一战线,同意由蒋介石领导中国抗战;毛泽东领导中国工农红军改编为国军第八路军与国军新编陆军第四军;毛泽东领导的红军抛弃意识形态之争,毅然摘下红星,戴上青天白日帽徽,与蒋介石国军一起共同抗日。这是何等的民族大义!!这种民族大义正是中共成功的根本所在! 国民革命军(包括蒋军、毛八路、新四)共同抗战,打败日寇及汉奸,取得最后的胜利,这是中华民族的共同胜利。 在抗战中,国民党将士(蒋系)在蒋介石的指挥下,英勇奋战,蒋系国军每一个大战役都是依照蒋介石亲自制定的战略。蒋介石领导国军抗日的功绩不容抹杀。这一点,我在1995年写的《八年抗战与中华民族的觉醒》一文中就进行了充分的论述。 http://www.zzwave.com/home.php?mod=spaceuid=2do=blogid=30502 你有罔顾民族大义也要打倒蒋介石的倾向。你或许有什么家仇。但将个人仇恨置于民族立场之上是危险的。按这个趋势,如果日本蝗军能帮你打倒蒋介石,你很可能会支持日本蝗军。你完全否定蒋介石抗日,掩饰孙中山主动向日本出卖的做法,是只顾政治而混淆民族大义。 你的行为客观上可以从日本人那领赏金了,尽管你可能暂时并没有这个主观愿望。 另外,我的观点请引用我的原文,而且别把我的观点与他人的观点混淆。 下面是我之前的回应。 //////////////////////////////////// 少搞文革扣帽子。那一套已经行不通了。具体问题,你可以具体分析。另外就是,人要豁达点、诚恳点,别人没理你,你别老在那影射来影射去。 目前,我们讨论了两个问题,一是918,二是淞沪抗战。下面是我的总结。其他问题,你有具体见解,列出来,我们可以帮你。我写的东西,黑纸白字都在网上,你要辩论请引用原话,而不是用你的话试图歪曲。你以为你给我扣帽子,就能达到目的?? 下面我就918与128的评论: 你得学会逻辑思维,而且得学点历史。反共不等于不抗日,两者不能简单扯到一起。 通过讨论你还是学了点东西的。比如说,张学良的不抵抗,你现在也承认是他擅自下令不抵抗。这是历史事实,与当时张学良实际独立控制华北东北军政情况吻合。因此,918是张学良擅自不抵抗。这点你算是明白了。 至于淞沪抗战,那是1931.918之后三个月。1932年1月22日,日本借口日僧被殴,派遣海军陆战队前往上海。1月23日 蒋介石对此的评论是 “作最大努力之抵抗。” 须知,此前1931年12月22日,蒋在国民党其他大佬逼迫下,已经下野。2月16日蒋介石电财政部长宋子文:“日既在沪不肯撤兵,我方只有抵抗到底。此为中(正)最后之哀求,望兄设法助成之。” 蒋介石于2月18日致电张治中、俞济时:“抗日为民族存亡所关,。。。望以此意切实晓谕第五军各将士,务与我十九路军团结奋斗,任何牺牲,均所不惜,以完成革命之使命为要。” 3月1日,日军增援部队在自上海战线后方登陆。国民革命军十九路军腹背受敌,被迫全线撤退。 淞沪抗战之后,蒋介石才被推举重新上台,主持军事。 由此可见,与张学良拒不抵抗相比,蒋介石是主张积极抗日的。毛泽东就曾高度评价蒋介石的抗日。完全否定蒋介石的抗日,其实是为日本人张目。 最后,你得学会避免非黑即白的思维方式。肯定蒋介石的抗日与相对硬朗,不等于全面认可他的策略与能力。相关文章我写的多了 --- 比如说针对其攘外必先安内政策。
个人分类: 中日关系|10115 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 平型关八路军有效杀敌数至少为2万
热度 3 岳东晓 2015-4-21 03:35
平型关八路军实际杀敌数至少为2万 (2010-09-23 01:54:04) 标签: 日本 平型关 投降 歼敌 八路 军事 有些书呆子费了吃奶的力气考证平型关八路歼敌数量,主要是根据日本人自己的资料,鉴于日本人历来有缩小自己损失的AhQ精神,这种考证完全是缘木求鱼。最近一位游客去日本,偶尔看见日军5师团11联队的纪念碑,上面刻满战死人员名单,光1937年就在中国战死600多人。可见,日军确实死了不少。 我这里要证明的是,平型关八路军实际杀敌数至少为2万。 首先回顾下历史。在平型关之前,两万日军一枪不放就打得几十万东北军抱头鼠窜。日军高级将领在报告中无奈的写道:“华军日退千里,皇军追之莫及。” 张学良东北军都是高头大马,矮个子日本人却打得他们落花流水,这给中国人造成了很大的心理恐惧,以为日本人是刀枪不入。有次我的一个湖南老乡给我看一张照片,上面一名日军正挥刀要看一名跪着的中国人的头,这是日军杀人的纪念照。我这位老乡无奈的说:你看这中国人跪着比这日本人站着还高呢! 平型关一战,在某种程度上改变了这种心理误区。因为这场战斗第一次证明,日本人也是能打得死的,不用飞机、大炮、机枪,就是用大刀也能砍死,用梭镖也能捅死,用石头也能砸死。打死、捅死、砸死日寇之后,地球也没有停止转动。 这就奠定了中国绝不投降、坚持抗战、直到最后胜利的心理基础。 这种不投降的精神很重要。当年甲午战争,如果清王朝如果死活不投降,其实日本人非但捞不着什么东西,反而会被削弱。结果你一投降,日本不但战争消费由中国买单,还从割地赔款净赚了相当于整个日本几年的收入,捞到了致富的第一桶金之后,发展一段时间,再来征服抢夺,而这时的中国更弱,日本人抢掠、残杀更多。后来,日本光在南京周围地带,就从中国人身上抢走6000吨黄金,屠杀了几十万妇幼。 中国在抗战中牺牲巨大,却没有投降,这就使我们能够在战后作为胜者、成为5霸之一,管理世界事务。从这个意义上看,平型关实际杀敌的贡献就不是止两万了。
个人分类: 中日关系|6487 次阅读|5 个评论
分享 日本红十字会女护士笑着参与活体解剖中国人
热度 8 岳东晓 2012-9-9 03:46
1942年,中国山西,7名日本医学博士及日本红十字会的女护士们笑着活体解剖中国人。 日本军医详细回忆日本医生们对中国人进行活体解剖、练习医术的过程。首先中国人大声呼叫不愿在手术台上躺下,日本女护士用蹩脚的中文骗他躺下,在日本女护士得意格格笑中,日本军医把中国人按住,然后在中国人身上进行了各种外科解剖,时间长达数小时,最后将尚未完全死亡的躯干扔入大坑。 摘自: Japan at War: An Oral History Haruko Taya Cook (Author), Theodore F. Cook Language: English ISBN-10: 1565840399 ISBN-13: 978-1565840393 Army Doctor YUASA KEN He was imprisoned in China for crimes to which he confessed after the war, and returned to Japan after his release in 1956. I was soon dispatched to a city hospital in the southern part of Shansi province in China. I arrived there January 1, 1942. It was still bitterly cold that day in the middle of March when, just after lunch, the director of the hospital, Lieutenant Colonel Nishimura, summoned everyone together. Seven or eight MDs, an accounting officer, a pharmacist, and a dentist. All officers. He excused the housekeeper and other women. After they'd left, he said, "We'll be carrying out an operation exercise. Assemble again at one o'clock." I was chilled to the bone, but it wasn't the weather. I'd heard in before I went that they did vivisections there. ... A solitary sentry stood guard. He saluted me the moment I opened the door. I then saw Medical Service Colonel Kotake and Hospital Director Nishimura, so I snapped to attention and saluted. They returned my salute calmly. I approached Hirano, my direct superior. That's when I noticed two Chinese close to the director. One was a sturdy, broadchecked man, about thirty, calm and apparently fearless, standing immobile. I thought immediately, that man's a Communist. Next to him was a farmer about forty years old. He was dressed as if he had just been dragged in from his field. His eyes raced desperately about the room. Three medics were there, holding rifles. Nurses were adjusting the surgical instruments by the autopsy tables. There were some fifteen or sixteen doctors present. You might imagine this as a ghastly or gruesome scene, but that's not how it was. It was just the same as any other routine operation. I was still new to it. I thought there must be a reason for killing those people. I asked Hirano, but he just answered, "We're going to kill the whole Eighth Route Army."' I pretended to know what he meant. The nurses were all smiling. They were from the Japanese Red Cross. The director said, "Let's begin." A medic pushed the steadfast man forward. He lay down calmly. I thoulyht he'd resigned himself to it. That was completely wrong. As a rule, Chinese don't glare at you. He had come prepared to die, confident in China's ultimate victory and revenge over a cruel, unjust Japan. He didn't say that aloud, but going to his death as he did spoke for itself. I didn't see that back then. I was in the group assigned to the other fellow. A medic ordered him forward. He shouted, "No! No!" and tried to flee. The medic, who was holding a rifle, couldn't move as fast as the farmer, and I was a new officer, just arrived in the command. I was very conscious of my dignity as a military man. The hospital director was watching. I never really thought, if this man dies, what will happen to his family? All I thought was, it will be terribly embarrassing if I end up in a brawl, this man in farmer's rags and me dressed so correctly. I wanted to show off. I pushed that farmer and said, "Go forward!" He seemed to lose heart, maybe because I'd spoken up. I was very proud of myself. Yet when he sat on the table, he refused to lie down. He shouted "Ai-ya-a! Ai-ya-a!" as if he knew that if he lay down he was going to be murdered. But a nurse then said, in Chinese, "Sleep, sleep." She went on, "Sleep, sleep. Drug give" -Japanese-style Chinese. The Chinese of the oppressor always bears that tone, as if to say, "There's no possibility you will fail to understand what I'm saying." He lay down. She was even prouder than me. She giggled. The demon's face is not a fearful face. It's a face wreathed in smiles. I asked the doctor who was about to administer lumbar anesthesia if he wasn't going to disinfect the point of injection. "What are you talking about? We're going to kill him," he replied. After a while, a nurse struck the man's legs and asked him if it hurt. He said it didn't, but when they tried to get him to inhale chloroform, he began to struggle. We all had to hold him down. First, was practice in removing an appendix. That was carried out by two doctors. When a man has appendicitis, his appendix swells and grows very hard. But there was nothing wrong with this man, so it was hard to locate. They made an incision, but had to cut in another place and search until they finally found it. I remember that. Next a doctor removed one of his arms. You must know how to do this when a man has shrapnel imbedded in his arm. You have to apply a tourniquet, to stanch the flow of blood. Then two doctors practiced sewing the intestines. If the intestine or stomach is pierced by bullets, that kind of surgery is a necessity. Next was the opening of the pharynx. When soldiers are wounded in the throat, blood gathers there and blocks the trachea, so you need to open it up. There is a special hook-shaped instrument for field use for cutting into the trachea. You drive it in, hook it open, then remove it, leaving only a tube behind. The blood drains out. It all took almost two hours. You remember the first time. Eventually, all the doctors from the divisions left. Then the nurses departed. Only the director, the medics, and those of us from the hospital remained. The one I did, small-framed and old, was already dead. But from the sturdy man's mouth came, "Heh. Heh. Heh." One's last gasps are still strong. It gave us pause to think of throwing him, still breathing, into the hole out back, so the director injected air into his heart with a syringe. Another doctor-he's alive today-and I then had to try to strangle him with string. Still he wouldn't die. Finally, an old noncom said, "Honorable Doctor, he'll die if you give him a shot of anesthesia." Afterwards we threw him into the hole. This was the first time.
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