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分享 【原创翻译】哦,大河
热度 10 RidgeWalker 2012-6-21 03:45
哦,大河 “大河断流了!” 大河断水之噩梦初现时 就已有了隐隐作痛之感 可叹的是平生喜好感受 这不断扩散不断尖刻的痛楚 千年历史溶入我们的血流 大河奔流理所当然 毕竟那狂野的交响乐里 有过我们的歌声 受其鼓舞 我们扯开嗓子放声唱啊 张开所有的毛孔 四肢伸展 让灵魂与精神一起漂流 任生命之翼上下翻飞 我们谩骂过 也赞美过啊 那令人灵感纷飞的活力和气概 我们在粗犷的涛声里大声欢笑 在天翻地覆的洪水里痛哭流涕 诞生在他宽厚的臂弯里 死时化成他的浪花一朵 我们爱过,我们恨过,我们来了又去了 亘古不变的惟有大河奔流,世代不息 这大河从一开始 便主宰着我们 生存还是毁灭的理由 那桀傲不驯赋予我们粗犷和文明 是啊,这一切真的既怪诞又奇妙 只是我们谁也没有想到谁也没有梦到 这牵心挂肠的巨流有一天会突然断绝! 这不,这一天来了 就在今天我们被遗弃了 只会瑟瑟发抖呀 这世上还有谁能赋予我们 情感,理智和激情? 我们还会在一个端藐里 同时看到希望感受绝望吗? 还会有那么一辈子有恃无恐 却又惶恐不安的日子吗? 我们还能活的既面子十足 又能傲慢自大么? 哦,大河,我们手拉着你 就象一帮孩子 围着一位面无表情的父亲 您可以打我们骂我们, 但千万不能让我们干瘪了, 愚钝了,失去幽默,没有生机了呀 千万不能让我们绝望 明天原本不复存在的呀! 可是,您决定停流了 倒吸一口凉气,巨人般轰然倒下 那一阵子抽搐, 那令人掩面的喘息哪! 如今我们每个人 即使肯死千次万次将您换回 可您不回来了 永不复返 永不复返了哪! 河床象巨大的疮疤 沙尘暴飞扬跋扈 甚嚣尘上 枯草团在风里翻卷哭号 全世界的泪水从此枯竭了 我们这些大河曾经气鼓鼓的抱怨者 这会儿哑巴了。 真没承想干瘪了的人 会可怜成如此模样 【英文原作如下】 Oh, Great River "The great river has stopped!" The dream of this stoppage of water flow of the great river first came on to me as a pain rather dull The worst part of it is that I seem to enjoy such an agony It sharpens as it expands on. Millennia have dissolved into our blood line We've taken the flow of the great river for granted We sing in the wild symphony We feel encouraged to let go our voices All of our pores open, limps free Soul and spirit floating Our entire existence flies high and low We curse and praise the inspirational vigor and spirit We laugh with the rude roar and cry in shipwrecking flood We live in the great arms and die to become the flow We love, we hate, we come and we go, the only constant Is the great river and its magnificent flow Since time eternal the great river is the reason for us to be and not to be Both strange and wondrous that its unruliness makes us wild and civilized at the same time Never in our wildest dreams had we given it any thought that the spectacular rush would someday come to a sudden halt Thus when someday became today, we are stranded here to shudder Who would supply us with emotion, reason, inspiration? How else would we experience hope and hopelessness at one glance? Help and helplessness in one life? Pride and arrogance at the same time? Oh, Great River, we cling to you like children to an expressionless father Please, you can torture us but never let us dry out and become dull, humorless and lifeless Never, never leave us with nothing to look forward to for tomorrow can be such a horrendous nonexistence However, you've decided to stop You took a deep inhale and fell down like a giant With horrifying spasm and moan. Now Even each of us wishes to die a thousand deaths in the hope to bring you back you will not be back. Never In the corpus of the once great river unchecked dustbowls constantly shoot up into the air Clusters of dead weeds swirl in the shrieking windstorm A world has run out of tears We the once proud complainers of the great river have ceased to be Who had known that we are more pathetic when depleted August 1-3, 1999 http://www.lusfoto.com/wp-content/uploads/1215786098910.mp3
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