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分享 前任的50种死法!
热度 4 水壶灌满 2015-5-25 09:03
div50 ways to say goodbye-Train/divdivMy heart is paralyzed/divdiv我的心脏已经麻痹/divdivMy head was oversized/divdiv我的脑袋满得快要爆炸/divdivI'll take the high road like I should/divdiv我早该做对的决定/divdivYou said it's meant to be/divdiv你曾说分手是命中注定/divdivThat it's not you, it's me/divdiv错误全在我 而与你无关/divdivYou're leaving now for my own good/divdiv还说分手是为我着想/divdivThat's cool/divdiv这样是很潇洒/divdivBut if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say/divdiv但若我的朋友问及你的去处 我会这么说/divdivShe went down in an airplane/divdiv她乘的飞机坠毁了/divdivFried getting suntan/divdiv晒太阳浴时被烤焦了/divdivFell in a cement mixer full of quicksand/divdiv跌进装满泥沙的水泥搅拌机里了/divdivHelp me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes!/divdiv帮帮我 帮帮我 我从来都不擅长分手/divdivShe met a shark under water/divdiv她在水里碰到了鲨鱼/divdivFell and no one caught her/divdiv她落水了却没人救她/divdivI returned everything I ever bought her/divdiv我退掉了我买给她的所有东西/divdivHelp me, help me, I'm all out of lies/divdiv帮帮我 帮帮我 我已经编不出谎言/divdivAnd ways to say you died/divdiv想不出别的死法/divdivMy pride still feels the sting/divdiv我的自尊仍然感受着那种刺痛/divdivYou were my everything/divdiv你曾是我的一切/divdivSome day I'll find a love like yours (a love like yours)/divdiv总有一天我会找到像你一样的佳人/divdivShe'll think I'm Superman/divdiv也许她会觉得我是她的超人/divdivNot super mini van/divdiv而不是小面包车/divdivHow could you leave on Yom Kippur?/divdiv你怎么能在赎罪日离我而去/divdivThat's cool/divdiv这样是很潇洒/divdivBut if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say/divdiv但若我的朋友问及你的去处 我会这么说/divdivShe was caught in a mudslide/divdiv她被泥石流埋了/divdivEaten by a lion/divdiv被狮子吞了/divdivGot run over by a crappy purple Scion/divdiv被一辆破紫塞恩车撞飞了/divdivHelp me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes!/divdiv帮帮我 帮帮我 我从来不擅长分手/divdivShe got lost in the desert/divdiv她在沙漠里迷失了方向/divdivDrown in a hot tub/divdiv泡热水澡时溺死了/divdivDanced to death at an east side night club/divdiv在东区夜店跳到心力衰竭而死/divdivHelp me, help me, I'm all out of lies/divdiv帮帮我 帮帮我 我已编不出谎言/divdivAnd ways to say you died/divdiv无法想出更多你的死因/divdivI wanna live a thousand lives with you/divdiv我想和你过一辈子 今生今世永不分离/divdivI wanna be the one you're dying to Love.../divdiv我想要成为你宁死都爱着的人/divdivBut you don't want to/divdiv可是你却不愿意/divdivThat's cool/divdiv这样是很潇洒/divdivBut if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say/divdiv但若我的朋友问及你的去处 我会这么说/divdivThat's cool/divdiv这样是很潇洒/divdivBut if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say/divdiv但若我的朋友问及你的去处 我会这么说/divdivShe went down in an airplane/divdiv她乘的飞机坠毁了/divdivFried getting suntan/divdiv晒太阳浴时被烤焦了/divdivFell in a cement mixer full of quicksand/divdiv坠入装满泥沙的水泥搅拌机里/divdivHelp me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes!/divdiv帮帮我 帮帮我 我从来都不擅长分手/divdivShe met a shark under water/divdiv她在水里碰到了鲨鱼/divdivFell and no one caught her/divdiv落水了却无人能救她一命/divdivI returned everything I ever bought her/divdiv我退掉了我买给她的所有纪念/divdivHelp me, help me, I'm all out of lies/divdiv帮帮我 帮帮我 我已经编不出谎言/divdivShe was caught in a mudslide/divdiv她被泥石流埋实了/divdivEaten by a lion/divdiv被狮子吞了/divdivGot run over by a crappy purple Scion/divdiv被一辆破紫塞恩车撞飞了/divdivHelp me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes!/divdiv帮帮我 帮帮我 我从来不擅长分手/divdivShe got lost in the desert/divdiv她在沙漠里迷失了方向/divdivDrown in a hot tub/divdiv泡热水澡时溺死了/divdivDanced to death at an east side night club/divdiv在东区夜店跳到心力衰竭而死/divdivHelp me, help me, I'm all out of lies/divdiv帮帮我 帮帮我 我已编不出谎言/divdivAnd ways to say you died/divdiv无法想出更多你的死因nbsp;/div
2631 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 1 一湬 2015-1-8 04:32
IBEW Hall 6250 Village Pkwy Dublin Help fill the food bank barrel AD 16 only Sunday January 11 doors open 10 AM meeting @ noon California Democratic Party Convention Delegate Election All registered Democrats in the 16th Assembly District may vote. Bring your friends family to vote for your favorite candidates. 7 men 7 women will be elected to represent you at the Democratic Party convention regional meetings. List of candidates for AD 16. All districts - voting locations and candidates Saturday January 17 Open 6:30 PM Film 7 PM Movie Night at the IBEW presents: “Cowspiracy” which uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today, and investigates why the world's leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it. Watch the trailer . Potluck dinner, a discussion follows the film, please join us. Meet some interesting people have some fun. Monday January 19 Doors open 7 PM Meeting @ 7:30 Forum @ 8 PM The TriValley Democratic Club will meet to elect Club Officers for 2015. Followed by a Candidates Forum for California Senate District 7 vacated by Congressman DeSaulnier. Assembly members Joan Buchanan Susan Bonilla will tell the club why they deserve our endorsement. QA will follow. Members will vote by secret ballot on who to endorse. Press public invited. Refreshments. Ygnacio Valley Library, 2661 Oak Grove Rd., Walnut Creek Help fill the food bank barrel Please park outside the library lot. Wednesday January 21 7 pm The Diablo Valley Democratic Club presents Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the 21st Century” about relationship between income, capital and income equality. The book argues that the rate of capital return in developed countries is persistently greater than the rate of economic growth, and that this will cause wealth inequality to increase in the future. To address this problem, he proposes redistribution through a global tax on wealth. Thomas Ramsay, and John Lee make a powerful presentation featuring graphs and charts from Piketty’s Book. Wednesday February 18 7 pm The Diablo Valley Democratic Club presents Analyzing Community Choice Aggregation with Seth Baruch President of Carbonomics. Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) allows cities to buy and sell energy. San Leandro Public Library 384 W Estudillo Ave Help fill the food bank barrel Wednesday January 7 7:30 PM Democratic Party of Alameda County Central Committee meeting, 2015 election of officers. Montgomery Market San Francisco Wednesday January 21 3:30 meet up for march to Federal Bldg MOURNING IN AMERICA FOR DEMOCRACY You are invited to a Memorial Service on the 5th anniversary of the DEATH OF DEMOCRACY due to Supreme Court’s “Citizens United” decision allowing special interests and big donors to put a stranglehold on DEMOCRACY. Join the Rally Memorial Service with Gayle McLaughlin the former Richmond Mayor who defeated Chevron, Andres Soto KPFA talk show host, David Braun of Californians Against Fracking, hip hop artist Khafre Jay, the Occupella singers, Michael Sullivan the Dots, street theater more. This flyer will be updated as speakers sponsors are added. Sponsors: Money Out! People In!, 99 Rise, Common Cause, Courage Campaign, California Clean Money Campaign, MoveOn Move to Amend, Mt Diablo Peace Justice Center, Public Citizen, Represent.US, Solar Justice Alliance, Sunflower Alliance the TriValley Democratic Club See www.moneyoutpeoplein.com/ RSVP on Facebook: Mourning in America for Democracy . Burton Federal Bldg 450 Golden Gate Ave Wednesday January 21 4:30 Rally Memorial Crow Canyon Country Club, Danville Thursday January 22, 6:15 PM Networking 6:45 Dinner (Optional) 7:15 Program The Lamorinda Democratic Club presents Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the 21st Century” about relationship between income, capital and income equality. The book argues that the rate of capital return in developed countries is persistently greater than the rate of economic growth, and that this will cause wealth inequality to increase in the future. To address this problem, he proposes redistribution through a global tax on wealth. Thomas Ramsay, and John Lee make a powerful presentation featuring graphs and charts from Piketty’s Book. RSVP Required Lafayette Library Mt Diablo Blvd Thursday February 12 7 pm The Lamorinda Democratic Club will have a candidates night for the upcoming Senate District 7 special election primary. In front of the Museum on Main, 603 Main Street, downtown Pleasanton Second Wednesday, 7 PM PLEASANTONIANS 4 PEACE Candlelight Vigil to reflect on the human and monetary costs of the war, honor our veterans who have sacrificed, and visualize ways of moving beyond this conflict to a more peaceful world. We are planning to continue this monthly event, the second Wednesday of the month, as long as necessary. Also Peaceful War Protest on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Please join us if you can. See Pleasantonians4Peace.org to check for changes. Contact: Cathe Norman (925) 462-7495. Corners of First and Neal Streets. Fourth Wednesday 5 - 6 PM Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano 4010 Nelson Avenue, Concord Weekday Mornings The Food Bank needs your help bagging and distributing groceries at our Antioch, Bay Point, Pittsburg, and San Pablo Food Assistance Program sites. Your help is also needed at the Richmond Food for Children site. Each distribution is held one weekday morning every month (2015 schedule) . Please sign up today by contacting [email protected] or (925) 676-7543 or click to help Ellis Goldberg Tri Valley Democratic Club President Webmaster www.TriValleyDems.com 925 831 8355 home/office 925 451 4303 cell [email protected] To be removed from this list send me an email with the subject DELETE. Or if you did not get this email directly and want to, send one that says ADD .
4892 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 惊叹!老外拍的北京奥运会~
热度 6 VANO 2014-9-28 09:44
惊叹!外国摄影师镜头里我们不曾见过的北京奥运影像! 外国人拍摄的北京奥运会开幕式。 让大家开开眼界吧,外国人看到的开幕式直播是怎么个样子…… 为什么外媒会对我们的开幕式如此赞不绝口,看了自见分晓! 这些镜头,我们在央视转播的开幕式中都没有见过。 直播当时Y视还给了个近景,我还想着怎么伸两根假桃花出来For what? 北京奥运主题曲.mp3 直播时根本没听见这些击缶的表演者在吼着啥,想着外国人根本不可能听得懂,原来外国人是有字幕看的 (“有朋自远方来不亦乐乎,Welcome my friends”),而且很大。 我们看到的是一幅简笔画,其实是有对比的。 这个画面很美,我们看过吗?再看看外国直播的角度,不明白Y视拉着那么远的镜头,想让全国人民看些啥? 难道一昧是为了想促销看台上观众的“黄扇子”吗? 不知道中国人民有几个在Y视直播中看见了这个丝路文明中很重要的一项发明“织布机”?再次汗! 央视的转播当时给的都是演员的脸部特写,单个看这些毛笔人,真有点被雷到了,但是一个中近镜的效果却大不同,十分震撼, 并且有无限想象空间! 只能抱歉地说,Y视实在浪费了如此震撼的“2008个笑脸”的诚意和创意! 这个华丽的画面,央视拍的是宫女的脸部特写! 左边那个图腾,中国人民看到了吗? 即使听着Y视主持人超高音量的解说,都没注意到表演里有出现“八卦图”,现在看到相片才真正认识到, 为什么外国媒体和观众都对开幕式如此折服!差别不在于审美观点,在于的只是观看的角度! 能想象清澈美妙的童声环绕的同时,天空中灿烂的景象是多么地绚烂吗?这个时候央视做的又是小女孩个人特写! 为什么外国人拍摄的画面这么漂亮? 夜空的脚印,和水立方交相辉映。 悬挂着的画卷,我们又错过了! 三千学子代表着儒家文化,凝固在中华民族的历史卷轴上。 我都不知道自己当时看到的是啥了。 这个宇宙中的地球,代表了中国人思维上的现代化。 央视只拍活字印刷,却忘了旁边的三千学子。很悲哀,外国拍摄者对中国文化的理解,竟然比央视的拍摄者强。 这幅画面,又是我们不曾见过的。
4578 次阅读|4 个评论


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