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分享 康州鸦片贩子Alsop家族
MingHao 2024-7-15 12:10
Alsop Co. Wetmore, Alsop都是 康州Middletown海运商人 The firm Alsop Wetmore conducted trade with the United States and England with great success. In 1825, Philadelphia native John Cryder joined the partners and the firm became Alsop, Wetmore Cryder. This c ...
810 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 大航海时代 康州 Middletown
MingHao 2024-7-15 12:02
ALSOP是个鸦片贩子 https://magazine.blogs.wesleyan.edu/2011/01/15/vanished-port-middletown-and-the-great-era-of-west-indies-trade/
608 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Norwich Free Academy
MingHao 2024-7-15 11:20
https://www.nfaschool.org/about-us/history Rev. John Putnam Gulliver Russell Hubbard Lafayette Sabine Foster House former industrial arts teacher Frederick Cranston the Slater Building
607 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Norwich : Slater Memorial Museum
MingHao 2024-7-15 09:57
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_A._Slater William was Born in Norwich, he gave Museum to Free Academy in memory of his father, nephew of Samuel Slater ( Slater Brothers) Slater, the son of John Slater (Samuel Slater's brother and partner), was born in Slatersville, Rhode ...
629 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 History of Clippers
MingHao 2024-7-15 04:38
They competed on the highly profitable runs from https://transportgeography.org/contents/chapter1/emergence-of-mechanized-transportation-systems/clipper-ship/ Boston and New York, “round Cape Horn” to San Francisco where the Gold Rush boomed, on to China to fill their holds with tea, and to Liv ...
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分享 Pacific Mail Steamship Company
MingHao 2024-7-15 03:51
https://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf1j49n4vg/entire_text/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Henry_Aspinwall https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howland_%26_Aspinwall The organizer and first president of the company was William H. Aspinwall. https://www.genealogieo ...
623 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 英国从中国偷走茶叶种植技术
MingHao 2024-7-13 22:35
Until 1850, all the tea in the world came from one place: #China . Then, after the Opium War, the British sent their best botanist, Robert Fortune, to China to spy and steal. He stole the seeds of the best tea varieties and sold them to East India Company, which started tea plantations ...
651 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 哈佛大学得益于奴隶制
MingHao 2024-7-13 10:38
Financial Ties: Harvard and the Slavery Economy https://legacyofslavery.harvard.edu/report/financial-ties-harvard-and-the-slavery-economy
688 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 色法是识
Chico 2024-7-13 09:54
色法“一类坚住,相续而转”,为什么是识? 这个需要借助科学常识解释。 眼接受客观物体反射的光线,通过神经系统和大脑,把一部分(可见光)转变成了颜色。大脑依据颜色的边界,判断是什么东西。我们从未见过那个客观物体的真实相貌。我们所见的是自己的色觉。主观色觉不是物体本身。物体确实有 ...
1070 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Eric Foner and American REconstruction Era
MingHao 2024-7-13 02:05
1975年,年仅32岁的“青椒”埃里克·方纳在毫无思想准备的情况下接到了德高望重的资深历史学家理查德·莫里森教授的邀请,要他为哈珀公司出版的“新美国国家史丛书”撰写一部美国重建史。这套丛书中的大部分著作都是对已有研究的精辟综述,而不是新的原创性研究。方纳本以为他能在两三年内完成写作,但1978年,他于南 ...
1013 次阅读|0 个评论


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