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盲眼老太靠听声音捡垃圾为儿治病 每天挣两块钱. 74岁的李方芝家住在湖南省桑植县利福塔镇白蛇溪村,丈夫在20多年前去世,生养了六个孩子却死了五个,其中三个孩子是夭折,两个孩子系成年后自杀,唯一的儿子王爱勇患有颈椎肿瘤,长年卧病在床。李方芝几乎哭瞎双眼,眼睛现只能感知到微弱光亮。镇政府将李方芝一家划为低保户,每月提供280元生活费,但王爱勇一个月医药费六百左右,为给儿子挣钱治病,李方芝每天在外捡垃圾。 http://y2.ifengimg.com/news_spider/dci_2013/09/47f76192640e1967bbab173b7cee468a.jpg
  • 旭日风天: 活着,就不能放弃。 (9-28 01:22)
  • Chi202: 生亦何欢死亦何苦! (9-28 01:40)
  • 旭日风天: 见一步,走一步时,有一顿饭,放一顿心。欢苦得放一边啦。 (9-28 01:47)
  • Chi202: 在写七步诗?   (9-28 02:23)
  • 旭日风天: 生命本如诗。有人用笔写出花和月,有人用脚踏上泪和血。 (9-28 09:11)
  • Chi202: 用笔酣畅 用脚淋漓?   (9-28 09:41)
  • 旭日风天: 遇雨更淋漓,一步一脚印呀。 (9-28 09:43)
  • Chi202: 走得大汗淋漓?   (9-28 09:51)
  • 旭日风天: 天正冷,走不快。前面也一样是苦呀。 (9-28 10:22)
  • Chi202: 可回头更苦, 一步一个苦呀! (9-28 10:31)
  • 旭日风天: 苦海无涯,回头无岸。只好走到,走不动为止啦。 (9-28 10:42)
  • Chi202: 走不动就得乘鹤走了! (9-28 13:10)
  • 旭日风天: (9-28 17:17)
2013-9-27 22:56 回复|
28岁女白领室内烧烤中毒后英文说得比中文流畅. 聚会时室内烧烤,致一氧化碳中毒. http://y3.ifengimg.com/644db11e181e00f8/2013/0927/rdn_52455298721b9.png
  • 旭日风天: (9-28 01:23)
  • 岳东晓: 陈佳家住武昌区武车一村,2007年从江汉大学毕业,2010年成为悉尼科技大学Insearch学院校方代表,在悉尼生活一年。。。为什么陈佳现在英文表达比中文表达好?该院康复科主任邓红卫表示,曾有病例报道,掌握两种语言的患者,大脑受损后,一种语言表达丧失,另一种语言却表达完好。他认为,从陈佳目前的状态看,获得更好康复效果的希望很大。 (9-28 01:33)
  • 岳东晓: 记者典型的标题党 (9-28 01:37)
2013-9-27 22:48 回复|
中国出美女城市排行 哈尔滨居首上海垫底. http://res.city.ifeng.com/upload/images/2013/0315/142756/232_351666_a9ba7c5d8d9c4af88e0e2a5f9f0d1f84.jpg http://res.city.ifeng.com/upload/images/2013/0315/142756/232_351666_cb03b7691a7da7bddaeb41eae3bdc4ef.jpg
  • VANO: 济南才19? (9-26 00:00)
  • Chi202: 北京甚至没有在列表中! (9-26 00:03)
  • 宜修: 不奇怪。北京的女生另有列表! (9-26 00:09)
  • Chi202: 你的意思是北京美女另类?   (9-26 00:17)
  • 宜修: 这个表应该是纯长相的表。 (9-26 01:07)
  • Chi202: 心灵美不算数?   (9-26 01:15)
  • 自在飞花: 扬州怎么那么后啊。 扬州给我的印象不错的。 (9-26 00:46)
  • 宜修: 杭州也太靠后了啊! (9-26 01:07)
  • 自在飞花: 南京的更惨 (9-26 05:47)
  • Chi202: 不知道排行标准是什么!   反正知道武汉出美女啦!   (9-26 01:08)
  • 自在飞花: 哈, 沾沾武汉的光了 (9-26 05:46)
  • 方枪枪: 咱俩沾沾自喜一下,武汉第四。 (9-26 08:32)
  • 自在飞花: 94 啊, 很不错了.   祝贺 (9-26 09:09)
  • 老黑鱼: 重庆美女应该第一,咱考察过,确实很美,嘿嘿 (9-26 04:02)
  • Chi202: 唱红歌唱的?   (9-26 04:19)
  • 老黑鱼: 解放碑咱坐路边咖啡店椅子上观察过,各个身材娇美水灵灵的面容气质动人,确实美丽,嘿嘿 (9-26 04:25)
  • Chi202: 哈尔滨排第一, 可能是混血比较多吧?   (9-26 06:08)
  • 宜修: 山城的姑娘爬上爬下,想胖也难。 (9-26 07:56)
  • lzh112: 还是我的家乡美女最多。高兴! (9-26 07:38)
  • Chi202:   哈尔滨人?   (9-26 09:31)
  • lzh112:     绥德人 (9-28 12:37)
  • Chi202: 米脂婆姨绥德汉!   (9-28 12:48)
  • lzh112:    对了 (9-28 12:52)
2013-9-25 23:49 回复|
中国GDP增长到了8.2万亿美金, 造就了成千上万亿万富翁, 为什么不拿出更多的钱照顾劳苦大众.         为什么总不想分蛋糕,         老想独闷儿!
  • ManCreatedGod: 因为多数钱都不是好道得来的,金主就不可能有那么慈善,相反多数都很坏 (9-25 01:20)
  • 岳东晓: 市场经济下要重新分配财富只能靠税收---提高富人的税率。 (9-25 04:34)
  • Chi202: 就是税收上        来的钱有多少百分比给了穷人, 希望工程, 乡下山里的小学教师? (9-25 04:54)
  • 岳东晓: 不是说这一届政府的任务就是把国富变成民富吗?这其实是早就定好的几步战略。 (9-25 04:57)
  • Chi202: 如此便好!         还是得走没有薄熙来的薄熙来路线! (9-25 05:53)
2013-9-25 01:00 回复|
耗资近五千万元镇寺大佛在台风中被吹低头. http://y2.ifengimg.com/2da5d5ae84e6e5fe/2013/0924/ori_524156a555fef.jpeg
2013-9-24 23:20 回复|
喜欢看左右互博, 新左新右互斗!
2013-9-24 00:44 回复|
一男子娶5妻育24子 http://y2.ifengimg.com/f04c9b92453d105f/2013/0920/xes_22a49d11fdbc334ed18bcecba3f65772.jpg http://y0.ifengimg.com/f04c9b92453d105f/2013/0920/xes_052e68ab3d7b441f3166f7e1f905c9e8.jpg
2013-9-23 02:15 回复|
半吨肥妈:最胖母亲体重达540斤. http://y0.ifengimg.com/f04c9b92453d105f/2013/0922/xes_f7f168fd3d71cd28b93754a67eceb105.jpg http://y0.ifengimg.com/f04c9b92453d105f/2013/0922/xes_295a907be84a0d7860ebdc94f77ddb59.jpg http://y1.ifengimg.com/f04c9b92453d105f/2013/0922/xes_e57b500dcf384b6a3cb7988ff47e2995.jpg
2013-9-23 02:09 回复|
  • 他乡异客: 最前面那哥们儿大概是患了中风后遗症。 (9-22 09:52)
  • 中西部网客: 有为什么好笑的?没看见这军人袖管空的,战场上丢了右手? (9-22 10:07)
  • 他乡异客: 老朽眼神不济,我以为是搞笑版。一般来讲用左手敬军礼是反义,如有伤残,大可不必拘此礼数。 (9-22 10:19)
2013-9-22 09:24 回复|
  • 漠孤烟: 二哥,把俺的头像挂出来可以,但别忘了付费--- (9-22 09:35)
  • Chi202: 漠孤烟英雄也!   (9-22 10:08)
  • 陆洋Joanne: 哇哦,英雄酷帅,身边 美女如云。。。 (9-22 15:23)
  • 他乡异客: (9-22 22:52)
2013-9-22 09:23 回复|
2013-9-22 09:22 回复|
  • 宜修: 您的节目够精不够多。责成回家写检查! (9-21 10:58)
  • 自在飞花: 非常同意 (9-21 11:33)
  • Chi202:   你教我?   (9-21 11:36)
  • 宜修: 教录音? (9-21 11:38)
  • Chi202: 从基本开始, 如何讲好中国话! (9-21 11:42)
  • 宜修: 讨厌! 又被你骗了! (9-21 11:43)
  • 漠孤烟: 只会讲鬼的话了? (9-21 12:03)
  • Chi202: 不是鬼的话, 是鬼话!   (9-21 12:06)
  • 漠孤烟: 如果是鬼话,也是个浪漫的鬼,句句成诗---- (9-21 12:09)
  • 铜山: 湾友们中秋欢聚一起热闹非凡~~  温馨和睦~~  花好月儿圆~~~~ (9-21 17:15)
  • Chi202: 辛苦, 辛苦的!   (9-22 01:06)
  • 自在飞花: 谢谢二哥! 从周五晚到昨天一整天都在参加中秋晚会,   忙并快乐着. 感谢一起过中秋的朋友们! (9-23 00:33)
2013-9-21 10:08 回复|
Beijing (CNN) -- Days before a court in eastern China announced the date for delivering the much anticipa ted verdict in the trial of Bo Xilai, the disgraced Communist Party leader reiterated his innocence but anticipated lengthy imprisonment in a letter to his family. "I was dragged into this and really wronged, but the truth will come out one day," wrote Bo in a letter dated September 12, referring to the bribes allegedly taken by his wife and other scandals involving her and her friends. "Meanwhile I will be waiting quietly in prison," Bo continued. "Dad was thrown into prison multiple times in his lifetime and I will look up to him as my role model."Bo's late father, Bo Yibo, was a revolutionary contemporary of Chairman Mao Zedong and late paramount lea der Deng Xiaoping. During the tumultuous Cultural Revolution that Mao launched in 1966, however, the senior Bo was persecuted, tortured and imprisoned for over a decade. He was "rehabilitated" in 1979 and becam e one of the most influential senior politicians under Deng.
2013-9-20 04:20 回复|
5 big moments from the trial "Dad and Mom have passed away, but their teachings are deeply ingrained in my mind," Bo wrote. "I will never bring disgrace to them and their glory. I can bear the suffering no matter how great it is. China's trials of the century Bo Xilai awaits his fate China's fascination with Bo Xilai trial Bo Xilai' s wife testifies"I have put Mom's photo by my bed. With her by my side, I don't feel lonely."A source with close ties to the Bo family confirmed to CNN the authenticity of the letter, which has been circulating on the Internet. She adds that the content online is only part of the original letter, which appears to be addressing the family members -- including a son and four siblings -- present in the courtroom during his trial.
2013-9-20 04:19 回复|
Timeline: The Bo scandalThe Jinan Intermediate People's Court in the province of Shandong said Wednesday on its official microblo g account that the verdict would be pronounced at 10am local time on Sunday.During the hearings of the politically sensitive trial that took place last month, Bo, 64, strongly challenged the prosecution's case against him, according to accounts published by the court. He faces charges of bribe-taking, embezzlement and abuse of power. The closely watched trial was considered to be much more transparent than most cases in China. But international and independent journalists weren't allowed inside the courtroom, and doubts were raised about the fullness of the court's version of events.
2013-9-20 04:19 回复|
村民犁地犁出500岁12斤重鳄鱼龟 专家建议杀死吃掉. http://y0.ifengimg.com/dc14f57c79882c4a/2013/0918/rdn_5238b4a9c9ec7.jpg
  • 随意风: 专家, 专家, 怎么又是专家.   (9-19 10:05)
  • Chi202: 你不相信专家?   这个龟不是海归, 外来的!   (9-19 10:47)
  • 随意风: 什么理由要把它杀死吃掉啊? (9-19 10:55)
  • Chi202: 它对土鳖构成危害!   (9-19 11:00)
  • 随意风: 哈哈哈, 油墨啊~~ (9-19 11:07)
2013-9-18 23:47 回复|
王菲首谈离婚风波:没有第三者 不会出家. 李亚鹏回复王菲:孩儿她娘, 内什么, 永远爱你! 朝圣路上的王菲: http://y0.ifengimg.com/195c69eca924f229/2013/0918/rdn_523956ef640c2.jpg
2013-9-18 23:39 回复|
2013-9-18 23:33 回复|
  • 陈营: 八成当是轮子了。我佛慈悲无处不在,真心向佛不拘形式。 (9-17 23:11)
  • 岳东晓: 假设每次磕头耗时15秒,则10万次耗时150万秒,每天必须不间断连续磕头4个半小时。 (9-18 04:37)
2013-9-17 22:41 回复|
据台湾东森电视台网站报道,台中一名庄姓男子娶两个老婆被判合法 3天陪大的4天陪小的.
  • 铜山: 昨天看新闻,印度一个靠近尼泊尔的小地方,有个男人去了39个老婆~ 都排着号~ 全家大小将近200人~~ (9-17 02:05)
  • 铜山: 打错个字~  不是去了,是娶了~~ (9-17 02:05)
  • Chi202: 尼泊尔国王吧?   (9-17 02:14)
  • 铜山: 不是的~~  尼泊尔国王很帅的~  那个人是个肥佬~~ (9-17 02:33)
  • 宜修: 娘子军连啊?真不嫌累。光报数儿就得半天儿! (9-17 08:38)
2013-9-16 23:42 回复|


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