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热度 17已有 26618 次阅读2012-8-26 08:03 |个人分类:前尘往事|系统分类:原创文学| 香椿芽, 童年, 大学年代










[英文小说 “In Harmony with Earth and Water” 的开卷篇。也就翻译了这几个段落。图片来自网络,特此声明。]

*** English original ***

When I was departing the village for college as a youngster, folks at home insisted on packing quite a few things earthy for me to take.  Kids from our corner of the world didn’t have too much a chance to travel thus going to college was a big, big event.  Big event required a big packing party and it was like a sizeable country fair as many neighbors, friends and relatives showed up with all kinds of things to add to the pile that was to be jam-packed into my sacks. 

College was of course in a city far away.  Some of the stuff they made me bring along would later cause me quite a bit of embarrassment in front of my new acquaintances in college.  Still I always remembered that everything was packed with good intentions.  It was just that every country cousin migrating to the city must go through a transformation process, not unlike snakes shedding skins.  It was not at all my folks’ fault that I was a country boy going to college in the city.  They were mighty proud of me.  
The earthiest portion in my sack probably was a package of tender toon shoots, salted and sundry thank goodness, wrapped up in used newspaper of course.  It was the pickle of choice of our region.  Fragrant Toon Shoots was a name revered by villagers in our part of the world.  The preserved toon shoots definitely added some zany zest to the otherwise bland crashed corn cereal that was our staple for breakfast for centuries.  Our existence was rather meager and our food was pathetic with barely any gravy on top.  We craved for fat pork because we weren’t getting any.  Our perpetual hunger dictated that the smell of cooking oil induced watery mouths in our village.  Since we weren’t getting any fat of the spectacular proportion, the little vegetable oil deposits in the toon shoots were preserved to offer some slight comfort for our wretched existence through the years.  Thankful may not be sufficient a word to describe how we felt about toon shoots.  Some of us were genuine in worshipping the great value of toon shoots.

Like basically everything else in the village, the preserved tender shoots of the local toon trees had multiple functions at home.  The chopped up dark blue sundry tender shoots that found its way in my bulky but pitiable baggage was actually the best allergy remedy tested by generations of high plateau dwellers.  

The tender shoots were picked in early spring before they grew tough and wooden; this way, the soft and tender season of the spring was potted for the whole year or even years to come.  Consequently, the best part of our earth and water was conserved in those tender but salted fresh shoots of a tree.  Our elderly never stopped marveling at how toon shoots helped the native children of yellow earth in the hinder lands of China adjust to the world outside.  Anywhere in the world you go, kiddo, the toon shoots, especially its dark color, may look humble or even disgusting to those who had no idea but the portion sure contained the great agents of soothing harmony, the essence of our earth and water that acted to cushion us from sudden invasion or ambush of foreignness.  One simply couldn’t leave home without those toon shoots.  

Our college cafeteria didn’t serve up any crushed corn cereal; still, I figured out ways to mix the preserved toon shoots into whatever I was eating to ensure a smooth transition of my teenage body from the countryside to the city.  It looked a little awkward, to say the least, to decant out dark and mysterious powdery stuff and mix them into my rice porridge and millet cereal in front of my college friends as almost everyone of my college mates grew up in the city and had never heard of, let alone seeing, toon shoots before they met me.  Without knowing how refreshing it was as tender shoots, all of my college mates resented the dried powder that emitted a strong earthy smell to the environment.  So it was natural that some noses were pinched and eyebrows twisted.  Amidst sarcastic remarks and outright mockery I managed not to discard any of the fragrant toon shoots, for I knew how yummy the toon shoots tasted or how high it ranked in our food pyramid.  For all those years, I never succeeded in talking any of my college friends into trying some of the goofy stuff.  

Tender toon shoots were part of my life.  Most importantly those toon shoots reminded me the age-old wisdom: wherever one travels in this world, one must learn to harness harmony with the local water and earth.  Sure enough, I encountered no allergy or any other form of discomfort throughout my college days.  Although it was hard to tell whether it was the fragrant toon shoots or my budding youth that harmonized everything in life for me during that period of time, I whole-heartedly attributed the smooth transition to the great toon shoots.  We countryside folks were entitled to our beliefs and superstitions no matter how much education we received.









刚表态过的朋友 (16 人)


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回复 人間的盒子 2012-8-26 09:00
回复 宜修 2012-8-26 09:11
回复 RidgeWalker 2012-8-26 09:37
人間的盒子: 下次带点来,被海关罚找你报销哈。    
回复 RidgeWalker 2012-8-26 09:37
宜修: 不知为什么,我家的香椿今年莫名其妙地死了。
回复 鱼雷一号 2012-8-26 09:42
回复 鱼雷一号 2012-8-26 09:43
宜修: 不知为什么,我家的香椿今年莫名其妙地死了。
回复 RidgeWalker 2012-8-26 09:47
鱼雷一号: 我只吃过这里从中国进口腌得很咸的那种,要洗出很多的盐,但香味都还在。新鲜的看着真好。
回复 RidgeWalker 2012-8-26 09:49
鱼雷一号: 这边也有这种树啊,英文名字叫什么?
Toon leaves or toona (as tree)
回复 宜修 2012-8-26 09:53
RidgeWalker: 真的,罕见。香椿树生长期很长,有的相当巨大。
回复 宜修 2012-8-26 09:54
鱼雷一号: 这边也有这种树啊,英文名字叫什么?
回复 宜修 2012-8-26 09:55
鱼雷一号: 这边也有这种树啊,英文名字叫什么?
回复 RidgeWalker 2012-8-26 09:57
宜修: 突然一下子叶子全枯萎了。我把上面锯掉了,下面还有两个芽,但愿还能起死回生。
horse manure, HomeDepot has it in bags.
回复 宜修 2012-8-26 09:59
RidgeWalker: 在树的根部挖个圆圈,按远了树枝的大小挖。
horse manure, HomeDepot has it in bags.
明天溜达一趟HomeDepot 谢告。
回复 水壶灌满 2012-8-26 10:00
回复 RidgeWalker 2012-8-26 10:01
宜修: 明天溜达一趟HomeDepot 谢告。
Also, once there, consult some experts in residence if they know.
回复 RidgeWalker 2012-8-26 10:02
水壶灌满: 香椿芽炒鸡蛋
回复 宜修 2012-8-26 10:04
RidgeWalker: Also, once there, consult some experts in residence if they know.
回复 宜修 2012-8-26 10:05
RidgeWalker: Also, once there, consult some experts in residence if they know.
回复 RidgeWalker 2012-8-26 10:06
宜修: 家里的地比较薄。
回复 水壶灌满 2012-8-26 10:06
RidgeWalker: Delicious.


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